
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Sugar Intake in Adolescence Linked to Future Risk of Tumors

This is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed.   A recent study revealed a link between high intake of simple sugars and sugar-sweetened beverages (SSBs) in adolescence and increased risk of conventional colorectal adenoma (benign glandular tumors of the colon and the rectum, which may...

The Dangers of Being Overweight for Your Liver

This is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed. A recent article in Medscape discussed findings that show being overweight or obese significantly increases the risk for liver disease and the likelihood of dying from it compared with being of normal weight, regardless of level...

Tips to Reduce Morning Sickness and Backaches During Pregnancy

Here are some do’s and don’ts that will help you prevent backaches and morning sickness, some of the most common complaints, during pregnancy. Make sure to consult with your doctor and consider visiting a TCM practitioner and/or physiotherapist if you are having difficulty with back pain or nausea. Natural treatments, exercises, and small lifestyle modifications can help you be more comfortable during your pregnancy. Do: Eat many small meals throughout the...

What We Misunderstood about COVID-19

This is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed. Medscape published an article in March on the one-year anniversary of the World Health Organization declaring COVID-19 a pandemic. It looks at some of the many ways the virus was underestimated or misunderstood and what that...

Sweating It Out

Sweating is a normal bodily function. The human body contains up to five million sweat glands, which release perspiration to the surface when our body temperature rises. When this fluid on our skin’s surface evaporates, we cool down to maintain a normal body temperature (average 37°C). Of course, sometimes we sweat more than usual. We sweat more on hot days, depending on how we are dressed, and during physical exertion. Additionally,...

The Danger of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever has broken out in different pockets in South American in 2020. It is more common in the summer months. It is also prevalent happens in Mainland China, particularly in Guangdong Province, Guangxi Autonomous Region, and the provinces of Fujian, Hainan, Yunnan, and Zhejiang, and many countries nearby in tropical climates and is a particular concern when traveling. The global incidence has grown dramatically in recent decades. About half of...

Fertility Problems and Getting Pregnant: Natural Solutions with TCM

When facing difficulties getting pregnant, couples can look for help in the Western medical field. However, after having tried almost everything or simply because they want a more natural solution, they can also find help with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM can help a couple – by treating the woman and/or man – raise their chances of conceiving a baby by a combination of acupuncture, Chinese herbal decoctions and the...