
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Mental Health Tag

A Psychotherapy You’ve Likely Never Heard Of

ISTDP (Intensive Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy) is a unique model of experiential psychotherapy that less than 1% of therapists in the world practice. ISTDP’s therapeutic approach and interventions were specifically designed for patients whose traditional therapy did not work.  ISTDP has its roots in psychoanalytic theory. It uses a special way of looking at the causes of suffering and how to attain long-lasting healing (from what is usually a lifetime of...

Imposter Phenomenon:Facing Fears of Inadequacy and Self-Doubt Part II

Last time we introduced, impostor syndrome, today let's talk about the cause, conquering impostor feelings and how we deal with it. Causes The initial causes of IP often come at a young age. And it often has to do with relationships with primary caregivers and important adults in our lives. A parenting style that is highly achievement-oriented and highly critical. This pattern is a setup for being high-achieving and driven but also...

Facing Fears of Inadequacy and Self-Doubt Part I

Introduction - What is the imposter phenomenon?Have you ever felt fearful about making a mistake or anxious about being seen as incompetent in your roles? You may be experiencing Impostor Phenomenon (IP) if you: are constantly experiencing intense feelings thinking that your achievements are undeserved attribute success to external factors unrelated to the ability experience subsequent procrastination and self-sabotaging.  The clinical symptoms frequently reported are: generalized anxiety, lack of self-confidence, depression, and frustration. These...

Meet the Therapist: Jack Hou, Senior Psychology Counselor

Body & Soul Medical Clinic cooperated with Hanlin Psychological Consultancy. We are honored to have Jack Hou (the CEO and Co-Founder of Hanlin) join our professional community and clinic as a psychological counselor to further help people in need. 1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself… I am Jack HOU. I am currently a Senior Certified Counselor & Family Education Coach. I am also the National Professional Talent Certification Management Center's...

Freeing ourselves from the complex that binds us

Every crisis entails opportunity – the father complex that binds us and how do we break this strain?   In “Enough as you are: believe in yourself": we like to think we can accomplish anything if we set our minds to it, still clients such as Valerie came to the clinic citing: anxiety attacks with feelings of inadequacy, rumination, persistent worry were the chief complaints. She further states, there is an inner...

Enough as You Are

“Believe in yourself!” We like to think we can accomplish anything if we believe in ourselves. What matters is the proactive mindset. BUT! Somehow deep inside, your gut tells you, Nah. I am not up for the challenges and I am just not good enough. So, what is happening here? Those gut feelings are originated from "low self-esteem." In psychology, self-esteem refers to a person's self-worth. how much a person “values, approves of, appreciates, prizes,...

Sandplay Therapy – Exploring your Inner World with Imagery

An approach to allow Children, Adolescents and Adults to express their inner world. What is Sandplay Theory? It is a psychological method of working with clients on their particular issues in a non-intruded, free and protected space of their own psyche. In such a way, the client has an opportunity to explore and connect with their inner world, to understand the message from the unconscious, so to expand their awareness and...

Meet the Therapist: Wendy Zhao, PhD, Psychologist and Coach (Part 2)

Wendy Zhao, PhD You can read Part 1 of our introduction to Dr. Wendy Zhao here. Today, Wendy will share more about the various patients she helps, her techniques and services. Specialties Dr. Wendy’s specialties are workplace pressure, interpersonal relationships, low self-esteem, anxiety, and cross-cultural adjustments. Furthermore, she aims to address entrenched patterns of behavior, experiences of meaninglessness and emptiness, spiritual questioning, midlife and later adult life transition. Who She Helps Wendy works with business professionals...

Meet the Therapist: Wendy Zhao, PhD, Psychologist and Coach (Part 1)

Wendy Zhao is a psychologist and executive coach. She works in the areas of business, psychology, and family matters. She focuses on helping clients through crisis and transformation, dealing with anxiety and stress related difficulties, and promoting clients’ personal growth and leadership development. Dr. Zhao offers treatment for both adults and children (ages 6-12). Dr. Zhao’s Background As a "Third Culture Kid "herself, spending teen years in the US after a childhood...

Rethinking Busyness and Embracing Harmony

It seems so common (myself included) to be overbooked, to be constantly performing and to be in an ongoing state of doing. We live in a society that praises busyness and busy people in general. When did we all get so busy? So very busy. So dreadfully, unhelpfully, exhaustingly busy. When did we all get so busy doing things, with full schedules, booked in advance and very little time to be spontaneous...