
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Summer Tag

Don’t Let The Heat Beat You! Helpful Tips For Safe Summer Exercise

Summer arrives suddenly, often before you even realize it! Today, as I am writing this, the outside temperature is 33 °C, but the humidity is over 60%, making it feels like 38 °C (based on the heat index chart below). Even in my room, the temperature is around 30 °C but the humidity is more than 70%! According to data from the World Health Organization, between 2000 and 2016 the number of people exposed to heatwaves...

Don’t Let the Heat Beat You! Helpful Tips for Safe Summer Exercise

Summer arrives suddenly, often before you even realize it! Today, as I am writing this, the outside temperature is 33 °C, but the humidity is over 60%, making it feels like 38 °C (based on the heat index chart below). Even in my room, the temperature is around 30 °C but the humidity is more than 70%! According to data from the World Health Organization, between 2000 and 2016 the number of people exposed to heatwaves...

Sweating It Out

Sweating is a normal bodily function. The human body contains up to five million sweat glands, which release perspiration to the surface when our body temperature rises. When this fluid on our skin’s surface evaporates, we cool down to maintain a normal body temperature (average 37°C). Of course, sometimes we sweat more than usual. We sweat more on hot days, depending on how we are dressed, and during physical exertion. Additionally,...

The Danger of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever has broken out in different pockets in South American in 2020. It is more common in the summer months. It is also prevalent happens in Mainland China, particularly in Guangdong Province, Guangxi Autonomous Region, and the provinces of Fujian, Hainan, Yunnan, and Zhejiang, and many countries nearby in tropical climates and is a particular concern when traveling. The global incidence has grown dramatically in recent decades. About half of...

Exhausted? Fighting Fatigue

Fatigue (or chronic fatigue) goes beyond light tiredness or sleepiness. People who are sleepy simply want to sleep. They feel it in the heaviness of their head; they cannot keep their eyes open or head up. After having had a good night’s sleep, they generally feel better.   Fatigue, however, can be felt in the whole body. Sufferers complain of low energy levels, muscle aches, pain, discomfort, and poor concentration. They feel...

Prone to Winter Illness? Why You Should Seek Preventative Treatment Now

Q: What does it mean to treat winter diseases in summer? A: The treatment of winter disease in summer refers to the treatment of diseases that commonly occur or are easily aggravated in a cold winter climate, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic diarrhea, etc. The purpose is to prevent the recurrence and aggravation of the disease in the coming winter and promote early recovery. More than two thousand years ago,...

Why do I have a cold? It’s summer!

The common cold is usually associated with winter and the seasonal transition period to spring. But now it is also often experienced in summer due to lifestyle factors. Most people today spend much of their summertime in artificially cooled environments in low temperatures. The cold air frequently blows directly on us and we experience extreme temperature differences. The Common Cold The common cold, also known simply as a cold, is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory...

Travel Rx: Healthy Summer Holidays

Summer holidays are here and many will make the most of it and travel home or to some fun locations. Travel can be demanding on the body, especially when crossing several time zones. Nothing derails fun holiday plans more quickly than illness or a serious case of jet lag. Here are a few of the most common problems brought on by the rigors of travel and some tips and solutions. Jet...