
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

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Author: Herman Szeto

Chiropractic Treatment: A Solution to Neck Problems

Have you ever experienced neck pain or discomfort? There’s been a tremendous increase in these issues over the past two decades. Ideally, the spine forms a healthy cervical curve in the neck. However, we’re beginning to see a straightened neck or a forward-curved spine in the neck. Much of this comes from our daily patterns, such as bending forward to look at phones and computers. As people are using their phones...

How to deal with stress?

We all deal with many stressors on a daily basis.  Whether from work, home or even just walking down a busy street.  Our emotions are intimately associated with what's going on with the world around us.  The term we call STRESSED OUT often refers to too much going on around us and often things going negatively.  The end result is we don t feel good.  How this works is the...

How to Get Rid of Joint Stiffness and Sore Muscles

Joint stiffness and muscle soreness are often the cause of pain. What then is the cause of joint and muscle issues?  This is a little more complicated as we often don't feel well when we haven't done anything and don't feel well after exercise. It would seem then that it’s a “damned if you do and damned if you don't” kind of situation. However, the key is balance. If you normally...

Problems in the Foundation: Are Your Feet Causing Your Back Pain?

Occasionally patients come in with low back pain that they describe as happening when they walk or are on their feet. For most back pain patients, it is exactly the opposite. They get some relief with standing and movement, but feel worse when sitting for prolonged periods (and sitting is often part of the cause). The body gives us a strong clue when pain comes with standing or walking. It...

Are You Dehydrated?

Many Shanghai residents suffer from regular dehydration. Not drinking enough water is quite common. Here in Shanghai, we tend to sweat a bit more due to the humid, crowded conditions. Coffee drinkers or those indulging in an occasional glass of wine or a cocktail suffer from further dehydration due to the diuretic effects of caffeine and alcohol. Patients sometimes remark that they don’t like to drink too much water when...

The Real Cause of Back Pain: It’s Not Back Strength

Often patients with back pain come in to see us and explain they’ve been working on strengthening their back with their trainer. Yet, their back pain isn’t getting better. The truth is that the back is usually the strongest part of the body. The abdominal, hamstring and back muscles work in unison. Often, there’s an imbalance causing them not to work in harmony in keeping the back stable. Often, the abdominals...

The Text Neck Epidemic

Our heads weighs about 10-11 pounds (4.5-5 kg). As the neck bends forward, the pressure of that weight on the cervical spine increases exponentially. At a 15-degree angle the effective weight is 27 lbs. and at a 60 degree angle it is 60 lbs. That’s as if an 8-year-old was sitting on your neck!

Orthotics: A Solution for Many Common Pains

What are orthotics? An orthotic device is an insert placed in the shoes, under the feet, to correct foot posture. Most people have a natural foot posture, which is not always efficient. For example, they may have flat feet, meaning they tend to be pronated. Or, they may have high-arched feet. Shoes are very generic and don’t account for these differences. Different brands also vary in fit and can work better for...

Disease VS Dis-Ease

We commonly think of the absence of disease as the presence of health. While someone might be healthy according to this definition, that person may experience a lot of “dis-ease” during life, i.e. discomfort, aches and pains. When there’s no disease present, we often just think this “dis-ease” is part of life we can’t do anything about. Waking up with a cramped neck, a leg that often goes numb when sitting...

Are You Dehydrated?

Many Shanghai residents suffer from regular dehydration. Not drinking enough water is quite common. Here in Shanghai, we tend to sweat a bit more due to the humid, crowded conditions. Coffee drinkers or those indulging in an occasional glass of wine or a cocktail suffer from further dehydration due to the diuretic effects of caffeine and alcohol. Patients sometimes remark that they don’t like to drink too much water when...