
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Food Tag

Are Vegetarians Really Healthier?

This is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed. A recent article in Medscape reviewed a large study showing that vegetarians have favorable levels of several health indicators, especially cardiovascular markers, versus meat-eaters. This was the largest study to date of its kind. The authors concluded...

Trans Fats Proven Bad for Your Brain

This article is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed. You have probably heard that trans fats are bad for you. Research has linked excessive consumption of trans fats to the development of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and many health conditions. Given these concerns, the...

How Much Alcohol is Safe to Drink?

Patients often ask me, “How much alcohol is safe to drink?” Unfortunately, many will not like the answer. But, large scale studies have shown that there really is no safe dosage. While a lot of media attention has gone to some research that focuses on possible health benefits of drinking alcohol in moderation, a large new report warns that the harms of alcohol greatly outweigh any potential benefits. The study looked...

Living a Healthy Life in Shanghai

Recently, we shared some of the ways to create a healthy environment in Shanghai. Today, we’ll offer tips for personal health. We cover some of the main topics patients ask about and concerns that come up in our Shanghai Health and Wellness group. Is it possible to be healthy even when the environment around us isn’t always? Absolutely. The human body is strong and has powerful self-detoxing mechanisms. But, it needs...

Heavier Red Meat Consumption Tied to Higher Fatty Liver Risk

A February 15, 2019 article on Medscape.com from Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) reported how people who eat a significant amount of animal protein may be more likely to have excessive fat in their livers The Dutch study reported on shows these individuals have a higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) than individuals whose main source of protein is vegetables.   Researchers examined data for 3,882 study participants. Overweight people who...

Are All Carbs Bad? Understanding Carbohydrates and Your Health

Changing Diets Starting from our hunter-gatherer roots, carbohydrates have been our main source of food. To thrive, we developed ways to transfer the food available in nature into something edible and easily available for large numbers of people. Therefore, the types of food consumed today look drastically different than those of our ancestors. Today, wheat is the most consumed cereal in the world. In the U.S., each person consumes an average of...

Naturally Reducing the Dangers of High Cholesterol

The Chinese consider high cholesterol to be a modern disease that goes along with a wealthier lifestyle. Essentially, in our modern society we generally eat a higher fat, higher calorie diet. At the same time, we tend to have less physical work and daily movement. However, heredity can also be a reason for high cholesterol. The High Risks of High Cholesterol High cholesterol is one of the risk factors that can lead...

How to Stay Healthy This Winter with TCM

TCM Focus: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and discover a delicious 5 Element warming recipe! In wintertime the traditional Chinese Yin-Yang cycle reaches its Yin peak. It is the season of rest and passivity, during which nature reduces its activities. In TCM, winter is related to the water element and associated with the kidney and bladder. Our essential energy, Qi, needs special care and nourishment during cold, damp winter weather. Different areas of...

How to Stay Healthy This Winter with TCM

TCM Focus: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and discover a delicious 5 Element warming recipe! In wintertime the traditional Chinese Yin-Yang cycle reaches its Yin peak. It is the season of rest and passivity, during which nature reduces its activities. In TCM, winter is related to the water element and associated with the kidney and bladder. Our essential energy, Qi, needs special care and nourishment during cold, damp winter weather. Different areas of...

East Meets West: Healthy Winter Spices

These herbs and spices do more than smell good. They are often used in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) remedies for their healing properties. The Chinese have long categorized herbs and foods by their temperature effects (cool, fresh, neutral, warm and hot) on the body. Most of these spices are warming, which is naturally fitting for the season and is another reason we feel emotionally “warm” when we smell them. Here are...