
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

Anji Plaza 14th floor, Rood 05, 760 South Xizang Road

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Room 05, 760 South Xizang Road

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225


Minhang -Zhidi Plaza,

211 Cheng Jia Qiao Zhi Road

(+86 21) 6461 6550 * 0/ 219


TCM Intervention of Benign Thyroid Nodules

Many people find that nodules grow on the thyroid after yearly check-up. They will be very nervous and anxious and want to know why they get nodules and how to treat them. In the view of TCM, what are the factors causing thyroid nodules? A)Congenital factors - people with the following constitution are prone to nodules. Qi Stagnation Constitution: Depression, tension, chest fullness, bloating, belching and sighing Qi deficiency constitution: Tired easily, poor appetite,...

What Exercise is Best for Women as They Get Older?

This is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed. A study of two different exercise programs showed significantly more gains for women participating in a high-intensity program over those in a low-intensity Pilates program. The participants were 115 postmenopausal women with low bone mass. Most...

TCM Prevention and Treatment of Gastropathy

Shanghai is experiencing a special and difficult time. Even so, we can still see that people have been creative with their supplies and cooked exquisite food and happily shared it on WeChat moments. However, some people can't enjoy delicious food because of gastrointestinal symptoms. What are the reasons for such digestive problems? Does TCM have methods to prevent and treat them? Factors causing digestive discomfort Improper diet: Overeating or not having...

How Reiki and sound healing can help with grieving and depression

Life is a journey as some spiritual teachers say and sometimes tragedy happens and some of us have the tendency to avoid feeling pain, going to great lengths to suppress those feelings of intense sadness. But when we allow the grief to unfold is when we begin to heal those wounds. Going through pain is necessary to come to terms with the loss. Hence, we can say grieving is a process...

The Total Body Adjustment

Osteopathy has grown a lot since it was founded over 100 years ago. With the advancements of modern medicine and a greater understanding of how the body functions many new treatment techniques have evolved. With these advancements and developments many Osteopaths now work in ways that would be unknown to the early pioneers of Osteopathy. While many of these new techniques are excellent in rehabilitation and helping people in pain, the...

Enough as You Are

“Believe in yourself!” We like to think we can accomplish anything if we believe in ourselves. What matters is the proactive mindset. BUT! Somehow deep inside, your gut tells you, Nah. I am not up for the challenges and I am just not good enough. So, what is happening here? Those gut feelings are originated from "low self-esteem." In psychology, self-esteem refers to a person's self-worth. how much a person “values, approves of, appreciates, prizes,...

Stop the Bleeding, Clarify the Source, and Restore Qi and Blood

One day, a young lady came into our out-patient clinic. She was referred to me by another doctor. Her thin and pale face was full of sorrow and energyless. She told me in a weak voice that her menstruation had not stopped for six months in a row, sometimes the flow is heavy like a flood, other times just little spots. The ultrasound examination one week before did not reveal any...