What We Misunderstood about COVID-19
This is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed. Medscape published an article in March on the one-year anniversary of...
Sweating It Out
Sweating is a normal bodily function. The human body contains up to five million sweat glands, which release perspiration to the surface when our body temperature rises. When this fluid on our skin’s surface evaporates, we cool down to maintain a normal body temperature (average...
The Danger of Dengue Fever
Dengue fever has broken out in different pockets in South American in 2020. It is more common in the summer months. It is also prevalent happens in Mainland China, particularly in Guangdong Province, Guangxi Autonomous Region, and the provinces of Fujian, Hainan, Yunnan, and Zhejiang,...
Fertility Problems and Getting Pregnant: Natural Solutions with TCM
When facing difficulties getting pregnant, couples can look for help in the Western medical field. However, after having tried almost everything or simply because they want a more natural solution, they can also find help with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). TCM can help a couple...
How to Solve the Problem of Uneven Shoulders
Commonly, uneven shoulders (or high and low shoulders) are may be higher or lower on one side, which affects the appearance. They are also called oblique shoulders. Cause of Uneven Shoulders Congenital (inherited): Spinal dysplasia, scoliosis. Acquired: bad posture, resulting in rhomboid muscle/ trapezius muscle strength imbalance. This...
Meet the Therapist: Dr. Robin Wang, Physiotherapist
Dr. Robin Wang specializes in pain management and sports injury. He works at the Hongmei Road Clinic, helping patients in both Chinese and English. Some conditions Dr. Wang treats include neck and lower back pain, sciatica, spinal disc herniation, shoulder impingement syndrome, tennis elbow, ACL injury,...
Rethinking Busyness and Embracing Harmony
It seems so common (myself included) to be overbooked, to be constantly performing and to be in an ongoing state of doing. We live in a society that praises busyness and busy people in general. When did we all get so busy? So very busy. So...
Fear Factor – Managing Anxiety
About one in 13 people globally suffer from anxiety (Psychological Medicine, May 2013). It is the most common mental health issue. The expat lifestyle - with its inherent change, uncertainty, and being away from familiar support networks - may in itself cause anxiety and can...
Finger Massage to Nourish the Body
There is an idiom in Chinese, Shi Zhi Lian Xin(十指连心), that means the nerves of the fingertips are linked with the heart. Four simple words show the importance of our fingers. The fingers have many nerve endings and acupoints, which can show many things about...
Got Warts?
Verruca vulgaris is the common wart. They are caused by infection with human papillomavirus. Such warts can develop anywhere on the skin and frequently appear on the cuticle (the skin at the base of the nail) and sometimes the area beneath the nail. Nail-biting can...
Preventing Injuries at the Gym
Chinese New Year is coming and there are several new confirmed COVID-19 cases in Shanghai. We should be vigilant, wash our hands frequently, wear masks, and avoid gathering in crowds. It is also wise to focus on improving immunity and strengthening our bodies through exercise. Exercise...
The Role of Stress in Pain and Injury
One of the most common questions during a consultation is “How long will it take for me to get better?” This is not a straight forward question to answer as might be expected because there are many important factors to consider. As a general rule,...
Look Good, Feel Good: Winter Skin Tips
Skin is a vital protective organ and is also the biggest organ in our body. It both protects us and shows signs of our inner health and how our environment is affecting us. And, in Shanghai, our skin has a lot of protecting to do since...
Facial Asymmetry and Jaw Discomfort: TMJ
When you are looking in the mirror or taking photos, sometimes you will find that the left and right sides of your face are different (or asymmetric). Or, you may experience difficulty opening your mouth when eating or even have pain. Today, we will learn...
Body & Soul Holds TCM Workshop for Mandarin Inn
On Sunday, December 13th, Dr. Zheng Shu Hua from Body & Soul Medical Clinics led a workshop entitled “Following the Route of Traditional Chinese Medicine” at Mandarin Inn. Mandarin Inn is a Chinese School located in a 100-year-old historical building in Shanghai. Twelve people attended...
How to get a better night’s sleep
Sleeping disorder is a common syndrome with a prevalence of 9-15% in the population worldwide[1]. It is commonly due to factors such as stress, chronic disease, medications, and consumption of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. The sleeping disorder may lead to fatigue, poor performance in daytime...