
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

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Six Sex Hormones Needed for Women’s Wellness

The female body is a beautiful and complex system. Without proper levels of hormones in the body, women can experience many negative physical challenges to reproductive health. Here is a breakdown of six key female sex hormones that play unique, integral roles in reproductive and endocrine physiology: 1....

Support your child’s digestive system with Tuina (massage)

Pediatric massage is an external Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapy which stimulates certain acupuncture points or bodily areas in children to alleviate and prevent pediatric conditions by facilitating the flow of qi and blood while simultaneously optimizing the organs' functions. Chinese pediatric massage is useful for...

Kid’s Diarrhea in Summer

During summer in Shanghai, the weather is hot and humid. Many mothers are noticing changes in the color, shape, and frequency of their kids' stools. These stools are thin and watery, with an increased frequency. How does TCM understand this and what methods can help...

Chiropractic Treatment: A Solution to Neck Problems

Have you ever experienced neck pain or discomfort? There’s been a tremendous increase in these issues over the past two decades. Ideally, the spine forms a healthy cervical curve in the neck. However, we’re beginning to see a straightened neck or a forward-curved spine in...

Unlocking the Healing Powers of Acupuncture

Introduction Acupuncture is a traditional Chinese medicine practice that has been in use for thousands of years. It involves inserting thin, sterilized needles into specific points located on different meridians to balance the body’s energy, stimulate healing, and promote relaxation. In this comprehensive guide, we will...

Real Self-Care for Mother’s Day: Setting Boundaries

  Dear Mothers, As Mother's Day approaches, you will probably receive lots of kind messages and gifts.  It may seem as if this is the only day you are seen and validated. Strong family bonds usually are a good sign. However, when they are "too close for...

Understanding 5 Keys Nutrients for Women’s Health

Body & Soul Medical Clinics cooperates with Ana Terra to join our professional team, as functional nutritionist. Ana Terra is a former volleyball athlete. Since her teenage age, she learned that the way to eat impacts the way she feels and performs. For the past eight years, Ana...

Stop Rusting In The Office

It’s been 3 months already since the official end of the home office, online school and distance learning! How is your body feeling now? Last month, we started to hear more and more of our clients complaining about upcoming back pain again, and some patient...

Anger + Liver = ?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (vital energy) throughout the body. When the liver is functioning properly, the Qi flows freely, and the body is healthy. In TCM, the liver is believed to be most...