
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Children

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a branch of osteopathic cranial work, popularized by John Upledger D.O.. The cranial concept was first developed by an osteopath called William Garner Sutherland in the early 20th century. Since Sutherland, there have been many practitioners like Upledger who have further...

Chiropractic Care in Shanghai

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a branch of osteopathic cranial work, popularized by John Upledger D.O.. The cranial concept was first developed by an osteopath called William Garner Sutherland in the early 20th century. Since Sutherland, there have been many practitioners like Upledger who have further...

Gaofang: Keep Your Body Strong This Winter

In our last article, we discussed winter health and tips for helping the body adjust to the seasons. TCM does a great job addressing winter health and treating seasonal illnesses, due to its focus on strengthening the body to live in harmony with nature. Common...

In Sync with the Seasons: Winter Health

In TCM, winter is related to the water element and associated with the organs kidney and bladder. The kidneys are the source of the kidney Qi which is composed of the prenatal Qi (stored in the kidneys) and the postnatal Qi (stored in the spleen)....

Addressing Back Pain

Some things you can do every day to keep muscles balanced and avoid the likelihood of pain: • Plan some exercise into every day. Do what you enjoy to stay motivated. You don’t necessarily have to go to the gym. Consider walking, riding a bike to...

Can I Do Anything About My Child’s Behavior Problems?

Have you ever wondered what to say when your child struggles with frustration, teasing, jealousy, bullies, sibling rivalries, study difficulties, procrastination, inattention, or other hurdles? Some children may be labeled as ADHD at early age. These questions might pop into your mind as a parent: “Is...

The Relationship between Dental Issues and Osteopathy

The musculoskeletal system of the body works to keep the eyes horizontally aligned; the head is key in converging with body posture to maintain this alignment. A misalignment in the jaw can cause posture dysfunction and numerous resulting symptoms. If the jaw is misaligned, jaw...

Staying Healthy on the Road

If you travel, it can be especially tough to stay healthy. Many Shanghai expats travel a lot for work (and fun!) and keep busy schedules. Sometimes this leads to poor health and pain from an overly sedentary lifestyle. If you don’t make time to build...

When the tongue speaks for your body

Along with pulse taking, tongue analysis is of the main pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine and therefore an essential part of the diagnosis. The human tongue is seen as a “map” of the internal body, standing not only for the blood and Qi fluency, but...

The sophisticated art of pulse diagnosis

While in western medicine the feeling of the pulse is more or less a daily routine check for everybody, in TCM this method stands for far more. It is part of the so-called “Palpation Examination”, a special form of pressing certain body areas to check...