
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

Anji Plaza 14th floor, Rood 05, 760 South Xizang Road

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Room 05, 760 South Xizang Road

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225


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211 Cheng Jia Qiao Zhi Road

(+86 21) 6461 6550 * 0/ 219


Wellness Tag

Stop Rusting In The Office

It’s been 3 months already since the official end of the home office, online school and distance learning! How is your body feeling now? Last month, we started to hear more and more of our clients complaining about upcoming back pain again, and some patient groups are starting to suffer from foot pain again. Office workers feel their whole body tense up again after work, etc. Here are some self-checks...

Anger + Liver = ?

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the liver is responsible for the smooth flow of Qi (vital energy) throughout the body. When the liver is functioning properly, the Qi flows freely, and the body is healthy. In TCM, the liver is believed to be most active during the spring season. This is because the liver is associated with the Wood element, which is also associated with growth and expansion –...

Imposter Phenomenon:Facing Fears of Inadequacy and Self-Doubt Part II

Last time we introduced, impostor syndrome, today let's talk about the cause, conquering impostor feelings and how we deal with it. Causes The initial causes of IP often come at a young age. And it often has to do with relationships with primary caregivers and important adults in our lives. A parenting style that is highly achievement-oriented and highly critical. This pattern is a setup for being high-achieving and driven but also...

FEELING tired? Ways to Help Recover from Post-Covid Fatigue

Symptoms after acute Covid-19 are highly variable and wide-ranging. The most commonly reported symptoms include (but are not limited to) the following: Respiratory symptoms Cardiovascular symptoms Neurological symptoms* Gastrointestinal symptoms Musculoskeletal symptoms* ENT symptoms Dermatological symptoms Psychological/Psychiatric symptoms Generalized symptoms* *Musculoskeletal, neurological and generalized symptoms are amongst the common complaints we have seen in the clinic. Fatigue or a decrease in overall energy and stamina is the highlight of complaints in particular....

Meet the Therapist: Jack Hou, Senior Psychology Counselor

Body & Soul Medical Clinic cooperated with Hanlin Psychological Consultancy. We are honored to have Jack Hou (the CEO and Co-Founder of Hanlin) join our professional community and clinic as a psychological counselor to further help people in need. 1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself… I am Jack HOU. I am currently a Senior Certified Counselor & Family Education Coach. I am also the National Professional Talent Certification Management Center's...

How TCM can help with Prevention and Treatment of COVID infection

Traditional Chinese medicine has a long history of preventing and treating epidemics. According to ‘the Chronology of Epidemics in Ancient China’, 356 outbreaks of epidemics occurred over the 2585 years from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty in 674 BC to the Qing Dynasty in 1911. At the same time, TCM has amassed comprehensive and valuable clinical experience in the process of overcoming epidemics. Contemporary medicine, science, and technology have made progress with...

Moxibustion – An Ancient TCM External Therapy

Special Moxibustion Promotion in February! Recently, patients with Omicron infection are gradually recovering. In February Body & Soul Medical Clinics has a special treat for all new patients! We offer a 30-minute moxibustion treatment and medical consultation with Dr. Zheng Shu Hua for FREE! Nowadays many foreigners have learned about acupuncture. But… have you heard of moxibustion, yet? Ordinarily, Chinese people are used to calling acupuncture as ZHEN JIU (针灸) in Chinese,...

Breath Exercise 呼吸训练

During these 3 weeks, more patients recovered from Covid-19, but some of them are still complaining about coughing and shortness of breath.最近我们接触到许多“阳康”患者,他们依然会有咳嗽,呼吸急促,气短等问题。Our physiotherapist recommends they do breathing exercises and progressive full-body activities. 对于其中大部分人,我们的物理治疗师会建议采取一些呼吸训练和循序渐进的全身练习。 Scientists found these exercises helpful for patients who are recovering from Covid-19. 研究表明这些练习可以帮助他们恢复到更好的状态。 Let‘s start with the breathing exercises, shall we? 让我们一起来从呼吸练习开始吧~ Breath Exercise - Basic [playlist type="video" ids="9603"] Breath Exercise - Intermediate [playlist type="video" ids="9605"] Breath Exercise - Advance [playlist type="video" ids="9607"] ...

Dealing with Covid in the Long Haul

What an experience as we rounded up 2022 and welcome 2023 with the easing of pandemic regulations, open borders without quarantine, ongoing covid infections, and continual necessary preventive covid care! In the past 4 weeks, many of us have been infected with Covid-19 and are on the road to recovery. Those who had COVID-19 might have sustained post-infection symptoms known by a variety of names, including “long COVID” or “long-haul COVID.” The...

Exercising after Covid-19

Recently, the hottest topic of discussion is recovery from Covid-19. For fans of the gym, you probably hope to resume the training routine, but still feel fatigued and worried about being uncomfortable during the training. Today we will talk about how to safely resume exercise to avoid starting over-exercise. We are here to support you. Should I exercise after recovering or not? Yes. It is helpful to start exercising appropriately during the recovery period...