
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Wellness Tag

Prone to Winter Illness? Why You Should Seek Preventative Treatment Now

Q: What does it mean to treat winter diseases in summer? A: The treatment of winter disease in summer refers to the treatment of diseases that commonly occur or are easily aggravated in a cold winter climate, such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, chronic diarrhea, etc. The purpose is to prevent the recurrence and aggravation of the disease in the coming winter and promote early recovery. More than two thousand years ago,...

Trans Fats Proven Bad for Your Brain

This article is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed. You have probably heard that trans fats are bad for you. Research has linked excessive consumption of trans fats to the development of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and many health conditions. Given these concerns, the...

Why do I have a cold? It’s summer!

The common cold is usually associated with winter and the seasonal transition period to spring. But now it is also often experienced in summer due to lifestyle factors. Most people today spend much of their summertime in artificially cooled environments in low temperatures. The cold air frequently blows directly on us and we experience extreme temperature differences. The Common Cold The common cold, also known simply as a cold, is an infectious disease of the upper respiratory...

Acupuncture for a Happier Period

Menstrual pain, or dysmenorrhea, is the most commonly reported menstrual disorder. More than half of those who go through menstruation experience this each month. Menstrual pain can be unbearable, but it does not have to be a painful constant every month as pain is not a natural part of the menstruation process. In fact, menstruation should be painless and accompanied by minimal pre-and post-menstrual signs and symptoms (PMS).   So what exactly...

What’s up with the ‘Glass Cups’ in a TCM doctor’s treatment room?

What is cupping therapy? Cupping therapy is a treatment of Traditional Chinese Medicine in which glass cups are heated to create a vacuum against the skin. It increases surface blood flow which results in resolution of pain and a sense of well-being. The overall internal flow of Qi and blood circulation is enhanced, stimulating anti-inflammatory effects and promoting tissue recovery. Depending on the cupping technique used, cups may be retained in position...

Spring and liver 春天与肝脏

Which viscera is spring most closely related to? It's liver! Spring is the season when everything grows and Yang rises. In the theory of five elements, spring and liver belong to wood. 春天和哪个脏腑关系最为密切?是肝脏!春季是万物生长,阳气升发的季节,在五行学说中,春天和肝脏都是属于木。 The liver in traditional Chinese medicine includes and is larger than the anatomic liver. It has the functions of regulating Qi, emotion, promoting digestion and absorption of the spleen and stomach, adjusting blood volume and blood movement, water distribution,...

Small Gym, Home Office

Let’s make moves together! 让我们动起来 First, let’s check our posture before reading further… 首先,阅读前让我们先确认一下您的姿势 3 2 1 Are you in this position? 是这样的? Or this? 这样的? Or even this? 还是这样的? Now, let’s take a deep breath and then restore our posture according to the following picture: 现在,让我们深吸一口气,然后把姿势调整到如下图所示 A lot of people have to stay at home under the current situation. Gyms are closed and outdoor group sport activities are mostly cancelled. We start to move less and become more sedentary at home....

How TCM help manage your stress and stay healthy?

As we are facing the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak recently, people are living under travel restriction, suggested to work from home, and stay away from crowds. Both, employees and employers are stressed about the new regulations. Besides that, in this tough period Shanghai expats face many sorts of pressure, managing people and goals at work. It’s easy to see why many of us feel stressed. What is Stress? Western medicine describes stress as...

Enhancing your mental health!

Today we are entering into the 3rd week after The Coronavirus outbreak happened and with the measures to contain it (some preventive isolation) the concern about our health and the unknown about when it’ll be finished, most of us have experienced uncertainty, anxiety and sometimes fear. Right now more than ever we need to keep in mind that our mental health is very important to cope with the situation and to create a balanced and harmonious reality. I...

Is Standing Better Than Sitting?

This is part of our “In Medical News” series where Dr. Sara Laudani shares a study or article in recent news and offers some analysis and tips about the news, to help patients stay informed.   We hear a lot of talk about the health risks of a sedentary lifestyle and we should all be taking this seriously. As far back as 2002, the World Health Organization (WHO) warned that approximately 2...