
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Wellness Tag

HPV: Awareness, Prevention and Treatment

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is the most common sexually transmitted infection. The American Social Health Association estimates that about 75–80% of sexually active Americans will be infected with HPV at some point in their lifetime. Over 170 types of HPV have been identified and many people have subclinical varieties (never show symptoms). Unfortunately, certain types of HPV are potentially cancer causing. Because this virus is so common and often asymptomatic, HPV has lead to...

Nutritional Science News: “Mediterranean Diet Strongly Tied to Reduced Alzheimer’s Pathology”

A November 20, 2018 article on Medscape.com from Deborah Brauser discusses strong evidence from a recent study in Australia linking the Mediterranean diet to reduced signs of Alzheimer’s disease development. The new research suggests that “adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MeDi) is linked to a reduction over time in Aβ-amyloid (Aβ) accumulation, a biomarker of cerebral Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology”. The lead author of the study, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, PhD, shared...

How the Modern Diet Isn’t Feeding Our Bodies (and What We Can Do About It)

To read Part 1 and understand how carbohydrates can influence your health, click here   The Difference between “Good Carbs” and Refined Carbs Non-refined carbs include oat, millet, brown and red rice, spelt, buckwheat and any other whole grains that have not been refined, as well as fruits and vegetables and “old breads” (made of whole grains such as whole rye). These carbs bring in micronutrients and fiber, so the body is getting...

Addressing the Different Types of Stress Common to Shanghai Expats

Stress, Time and Self-Management Most people associate “stress” with “too much”…too much to do and the heart-pumping sensation of pressure and deadlines. But “too little” can leave us mentally stressed as well. Small or large changes can also cause stress. We don’t always recognize the symptoms of this kind of stress, or take them seriously. When we don’t have extreme pressure but are suffering from the stress of “too little” we...

Physical Pain: The Emotional Connection

Any physical issue or pain you experience is a symptom of what is going on in the body and mind. It is all connected, so body and mind cannot be separated. TCM has long understood this wholeness. Focusing solely on symptom treatment has kept a lot of people in a cycle of masking what the body is saying and therefore continuing to suffer. BioNeuroEmotion (BNE) is a method that studies a...

New School Year, New You: Achieving Your Goals

As the school year starts and many of us return from summer holidays, we start to think of plans for the time ahead. Some will be starting a new job, or coming to Shanghai for the first time. And, many of us will be ready to settle back into a routine and think about things we’d like to change or accomplish. This is the perfect time to set goals, whether short-term improvements or long-term plans. Here are some key tips for setting and achieving your goals:

Feeling Extra Sweaty?

Everybody knows that sticky feeling in hot or stressful situations. You start to sweat, your hands are wet, wet patches form under your arms, your forehead starts to glisten. This form of sweating is a normal and temporary bodily reaction to an extreme situation. Of course, physical exercise, high temperatures and overly warm clothes also lead to temporary perspiration. We’ve probably all been extra sweaty this summer!

Pampering, Pedicures….Problems!

Many people enjoy going to the spa or nail salon for a foot massage and pedicure. It’s a wonderful way to relax and treat your tired feet. But, as a podiatrist I see the downside of this pampering treatment. Patients sometimes come in with problems picked up at the nail salon such as sharp pieces of nail cutting into the toe, improperly cut/ingrown nails, infections and even injury.

Breathe Freely: Natural Allergy Solutions

Are red, watery eyes and a swollen nose your trademark spring look? Many allergy sufferers dread the coming spring. Life becomes round after round of antihistamines and nasal sprays. Shanghai’s damp, dusty (and polluted) environment is a nightmare for many allergy and asthma sufferers. Ancient Chinese Wisdom: The Root Causes of Allergies TCM interprets allergies as a disharmony in the body. It is often diagnosed as a “wind” influence accompanied by another...