
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Pain Relief Tag

Rehabilitation of ankle sprain 踝关节扭伤的康复治疗

Now that we are getting out more, we have more movement-related challenges. Our ankles support us every day.   Here is how to support them when they need it most. 你的脚踝是否经常扭伤,特别是不经意间的运动,脚踝扭伤每个人几乎都有过,如果不引起重视,会引起慢性的踝关节的不稳,甚至损伤到软骨 Ankles often sprain, especially for those participating in sports. Ankle sprains are common for many. If not paid attention to, they will cause chronic ankle joint instability, and even damage to the cartilage. Damaged cartilage can lead to increased pain, lack of...

Pain Management in TCM

Pain, one of the most difficult symptoms to solve in medical history, defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage. There is a prevalence of 20% of adults suffering from pain globally, 10% are newly diagnosed with chronic pain each year.[1] With the development of society, humans start to work...

How to Maintain Strong and Healthy Bones

Osteoporosis is a systemic bone metabolic disease in which bone loss occurs, bone structures are damaged, and bone fragility increases, all which increase the likelihood of bone fractures. People’s skeletons are constantly losing old bone cells and forming new ones throughout their lifetime. During childhood and teenage years, new bone tissue is formed faster than old bone is lost. When you begin to lose more bone tissue than you can build,...

How to Solve the Problem of Uneven Shoulders

Commonly, uneven shoulders (or high and low shoulders) are may be higher or lower on one side, which affects the appearance. They are also called oblique shoulders. Cause of Uneven Shoulders Congenital (inherited): Spinal dysplasia, scoliosis. Acquired: bad posture, resulting in rhomboid muscle/ trapezius muscle strength imbalance. This is basically excessive force on one side. Most people have high and low shoulders because of bad habits. Most times this is seen in office workers...

The Role of Stress in Pain and Injury

One of the most common questions during a consultation is “How long will it take for me to get better?” This is not a straight forward question to answer as might be expected because there are many important factors to consider. As a general rule, the longer a person has had the symptoms and the more severe the symptoms, the longer it will take to respond to treatment. One major influence...

Chronic Pain and Fibromyalgia: Step by Step to a Pain-Free Life

Many people suffer chronic pain and fibromyalgia. They are both quite common and can be extremely difficult to manage and treat. In understanding chronic pain it is useful to understand how the body registers and manages pain in the body. The basic theory of pain is that an initial event occurs such as a trauma, infection or illness which the body perceives as having the potential to damage the body. This...

How to Get Rid of Joint Stiffness and Sore Muscles

Joint stiffness and muscle soreness are often the cause of pain. What then is the cause of joint and muscle issues?  This is a little more complicated as we often don't feel well when we haven't done anything and don't feel well after exercise. It would seem then that it’s a “damned if you do and damned if you don't” kind of situation. However, the key is balance. If you normally...

Problems in the Foundation: Are Your Feet Causing Your Back Pain?

Occasionally patients come in with low back pain that they describe as happening when they walk or are on their feet. For most back pain patients, it is exactly the opposite. They get some relief with standing and movement, but feel worse when sitting for prolonged periods (and sitting is often part of the cause). The body gives us a strong clue when pain comes with standing or walking. It...

Why do so many people suffer from shoulder pain?

Why is shoulder pain so common? Shoulder pain and dysfunction is one of the most common complaints we see. Perhaps only neck pain and low back pain are more frequently seen. There are many reasons why so many people experience shoulder pain. The first is the shoulder is a very complex joint and is made up of at least four individual joints. As a general rule, the more complex something is,...

Addressing Back Pain: Physiotherapists’ Tips

As part of our series about treating back pain in Shanghai, Body & Soul practitioners will share how they address back pain and provide some valuable tips for those suffering from this common problem. Previously, Body & Soul’s osteopaths and chiropractor covered how they help with back pain. Today, physiotherapists John Zhong and Dong Yu offer tips to prevent and manage back pain. Resolving the Causes of Back Pain The majority of...