
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Children Tag

Kid’s Diarrhea in Summer

During summer in Shanghai, the weather is hot and humid. Many mothers are noticing changes in the color, shape, and frequency of their kids' stools. These stools are thin and watery, with an increased frequency. How does TCM understand this and what methods can help kids? Why Are Kids More Prone to Diarrhea in Summer? Pathogeny: Improper feeding: such as excessive consumption of raw, cold, sweet, and greasy foods, and excessive lactation. ...

The Main Cause of Most Children’s Disease

Causes of disease in Children are similar to that in adults. They can be differentiated into internal and external factors, together with miscellaneous factors like diet and lifestyle. Internal causes refer to the seven emotions. External causes refer to the six environmental or climatic factors. In children under six years of age, diet is the leading cause of the commonly encountered pediatric complaints with internal and/or external causes aggravating the ill...

Introduction to TCM Pediatric:  4 Deficiencies

The 4 deficiencies lie within the Yin, Lungs, Spleen and Kidney Yin & Yang Qualities of Yin in relation to Yang are those that are cold, dull, fluid and passive motion. As mentioned, children have pure Yang constitution and Yang. Thus, Yin are relatively low due to the immaturity of body and consumption during growth (Yang process). Lungs The study of Chinese medicine pediatrics states that: Children’s exterior defensive mechanism is not secure, which...

Introduction to TCM Pediatric: 3 Excesses

The 3 excesses are seen in the Yang, Liver and Heart. Yin & Yang Qualities of Yang in relation to Yin are those that are bright, warm, active movement. As mentioned, children have a pure Yang constitution and Yang is the substance which drive the growing process, Yin substance (which is the blood, the essence of the body) are relatively low due to the consumption during the growing process. Liver Zhu Dan-Xi, 朱丹溪 one...

Introduction to TCM pediatric

“If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?” - Milton Berle Yes, the quote above expresses the ups and downs of parenting life accurately, unconditional love, endless care and dedication to ensure that our children are able to grow healthily, both mentally and physically, in a stimulating, positive and conducive environment. Therefore, coping with various childhood ailments is an ordinary occurrence for all parents throughout their children’s development...

Sandplay Therapy – Exploring your Inner World with Imagery

An approach to allow Children, Adolescents and Adults to express their inner world. What is Sandplay Theory? It is a psychological method of working with clients on their particular issues in a non-intruded, free and protected space of their own psyche. In such a way, the client has an opportunity to explore and connect with their inner world, to understand the message from the unconscious, so to expand their awareness and...

The Traditional Chinese Medicine Perspective in Childhood Asthma

Pediatric asthma is a quite common condition as approximately 10 % of children suffer from it and tend to develop it mostly between the age of 4 and 5. When an acute outbreak occurs, early symptoms are mild chest pressure and a dry cough, followed by bronchial spasm (sudden constriction of bronchi and bronchioles) causing cough and severe breathing difficulties. Acute outbreaks are triggered by infections of the upper respiratory...

Help Your Kids with School Bullying

Bullying is defined as unwanted, aggressive behavior among school-aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. An estimated 60% of children are bullied at least once during their school year, and over 20% of children are bullied repeatedly over a much longer period of time. Children who are bullied are at most risk of problems with behavior, mood, school performance and family or social relationships, over a long...

Projective Testing in Child & Family Therapy, Getting to the Heart of the Matter

One of the most effective methods I use in the therapy process is projective testing. This is a means of assessing the unconscious issues that the person may not express through language. Language is tied up in our culture and the way we wish to project ourselves to the world as dictated by social norms. Projective tests are based in psychoanalysis as developed by Dr. Carl Jung and others, on...

FAQs about Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Children

I’ve previously shared an introduction to craniosacral therapy (CST) and an overview of how the birth process affects babies. Here are answers to some of the most common questions about the beneficial process of CST for infants and children. What sort of birth related and childhood conditions do Craniosacral Therapists treat? Craniosacral therapists do not focus on specific conditions, but on the underlying health of the body as expressed by the cranial...