
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Sandplay Therapy – Exploring your Inner World with Imagery

Sandplay Therapy – Exploring your Inner World with Imagery

An approach to allow Children, Adolescents and Adults to express their inner world.

What is Sandplay Theory?

It is a psychological method of working with clients on their particular issues in a non-intruded, free and protected space of their own psyche. In such a way, the client has an opportunity to explore and connect with their inner world, to understand the message from the unconscious, so to expand their awareness and understand their being as a person.

The method consists of a sandbox with sand in it, and a collection of miniatures for the client to choose, to express the inner world – the unspoken part of the experiences. Through the expression of the individual experiences, there is a new opportunity of understanding and facing the hidden side of the emotions. Hence a new door opens to face and express issues and start to make sense of them. This will lead the way into a new understanding and a new way of working it out in a different perspective and with  a new attitude .

This approach is suitable for all groups and all ages of people who struggle or face issues they are trying to work on.

Who is suitable for this approach?

For Children, issues such as

– Emotional and behavior issues,

– Self-regulation,

– Difficult to express themselves,

– Depression

– School, social, culture adaptation

– Separating difficulties

– Attention difficulties

– Withdraw from school

For Adults:

  • Self-exploring
  • Anxiety,
  • Depression
  • Life-change challenges

The process of coming for sandplay theory

  • Initial Assessment, the opportunity for the client and therapist to get to know each other. For the therapist to understand the client’s situation and objectives for theory.
  • Agreement for getting into therapy.

With experience in counseling and education, Dr. Ivy Yang focuses on treating children, adolescents and adults suffering from various disorders, including emotional and behavioral disorders and study and learning problems. She offers consultations in our  Body & Soul Medical Clinics – Hongmei Road (Minhang)Click here for further information and to schedule a consultation with her.

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Medical Clinics

Body & Soul is your solution for wellness in Shanghai, with over 13 years successfully treating patients with a holistic blend of TCM and Western therapies. We also offer Shanghai’s largest team of multi-disciplinary pain management and rehabilitation experts.