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tcm-shanghai  >  Blog   >  FAQs about Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Children

FAQs about Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Children

I’ve previously shared an introduction to craniosacral therapy (CST) and an overview of how the birth process affects babies. Here are answers to some of the most common questions about the beneficial process of CST for infants and children.

What sort of birth related and childhood conditions do Craniosacral Therapists treat?

Craniosacral therapists do not focus on specific conditions, but on the underlying health of the body as expressed by the cranial rhythm. By working with this deep rhythmic impulse, general health is enhanced and specific conditions resolve as the therapist restores craniosacral motion to areas of restriction.

However there are some specific conditions that craniosacral therapy is known to be especially effective in treating. These include: colic, ear infections, weakened immunity, disturbed sleep, irritability, restlessness, sucking and feeding problems. These problems often result from craniosacral imbalances incurred during the birth process. Other more deeply rooted conditions that often have their roots in birth trauma and have responded well to CST include: asthma, autism, behavioural and emotional problems, cerebral palsy, dyslexia, epilepsy, hyperactivity, squints and visual disturbances.

Is it worth having my baby checked even if there are no symptoms?

It is recommended that all babies are given a craniosacral check-up soon after birth, just to make sure there are no residual problems that might compromise future healthy growth. Regular check-ups every three months for babies and every six months for children are recommended to maintain optimal health and well-being. We invite you to contact Body & Soul to make an appointment for your baby’s wellness check-up in Shanghai.

Can older children benefit from craniosacral therapy?

Yes, children (and adults) of all ages can benefit from craniosacral therapy. This may be in regard to earlier birth patterns or to other problems that have arisen during later childhood.

Children today are perhaps under more stress than ever before. Tension can build up inside the body, leading to reduced physiology, which in turn makes it more difficult to process toxins, leading to reduced immunity, further tensions, irritability, poor concentration and variety of physical symptoms.

Craniosacral therapy can help to break this vicious circle and restore balance, hence improving the child’s ability to cope with everyday stress. Accidents such as crashes, falls or fractures can leave structural imbalances, which CST can address by releasing the underlying stress patterns held in the tissues. Post-operative or dental trauma often leads to craniosacral imbalances that have wide ranging effects throughout the whole system. These can lead to restricted movement, headaches, digestive problems, mood changes and other problems. With CST it is possible to trace these symptoms to their source and treat them.

Does craniosacral therapy have any side effects?

As CST does not impose upon the body, but stimulates its inherent capacity for health, side effects do not arise. However, as the body shifts from a state of disease to a state of health there may be a period of adjustment in which things are a bit unsettled. This usually lasts for only a day or two.

Marshall Gabin is a Registered Osteopath, providing craniosacral therapy and other osteopathic treatments at Body & Soul’s various Shanghai locations. Feel free to get in touch with us via WeChat to schedule an appointment with him.

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Medical Clinics

Body & Soul is your solution for wellness in Shanghai, with over 13 years successfully treating patients with a holistic blend of TCM and Western therapies. We also offer Shanghai’s largest team of multi-disciplinary pain management and rehabilitation experts.