
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Lifestyle Tag

Living a Healthy Life in Shanghai

Recently, we shared some of the ways to create a healthy environment in Shanghai. Today, we’ll offer tips for personal health. We cover some of the main topics patients ask about and concerns that come up in our Shanghai Health and Wellness group. Is it possible to be healthy even when the environment around us isn’t always? Absolutely. The human body is strong and has powerful self-detoxing mechanisms. But, it needs...

Heavier Red Meat Consumption Tied to Higher Fatty Liver Risk

A February 15, 2019 article on Medscape.com from Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) reported how people who eat a significant amount of animal protein may be more likely to have excessive fat in their livers The Dutch study reported on shows these individuals have a higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) than individuals whose main source of protein is vegetables.   Researchers examined data for 3,882 study participants. Overweight people who...

Creating a Healthy Environment in Shanghai

Upon coming to Shanghai nearly 25 years ago, the environment was quite different. There were millions of bicycles, but very few cars. The air pollution stemmed from factories and people using coal for heating. Fireworks, street food and fires added to the bad air quality. Today, the problem is quite different. The government has made a lot of progress in controlling industrial pollution. The days of barely being able to see...

Breathe Freely: Natural Allergy Solutions

Are red, watery eyes and a swollen nose your trademark spring look? Many allergy sufferers dread the coming spring. Life becomes round after round of antihistamines and nasal sprays. Shanghai’s damp, dusty (and polluted) environment is a nightmare for many allergy and asthma sufferers. Ancient Chinese Wisdom: The Root Causes of Allergies TCM interprets allergies as a disharmony in the body. It is often diagnosed as a “wind” influence accompanied by another...

Breaking the Cycle of Anxiety

Anxiety is the most common mental health issue worldwide, affecting some 40 million adults in the U.S. alone. Many expats in Shanghai struggle with anxiety. It is perhaps unsurprising given the fast-paced lifestyle, high pressure jobs and other stressors many of us face. However, anxiety is just a symptom. It is the tip of the iceberg, the manifestation of what is going on inside of us. It may show an emotional...

Nutritional Science News: “Mediterranean Diet Strongly Tied to Reduced Alzheimer’s Pathology”

A November 20, 2018 article on Medscape.com from Deborah Brauser discusses strong evidence from a recent study in Australia linking the Mediterranean diet to reduced signs of Alzheimer’s disease development. The new research suggests that “adherence to a Mediterranean diet (MeDi) is linked to a reduction over time in Aβ-amyloid (Aβ) accumulation, a biomarker of cerebral Alzheimer's disease (AD) pathology”. The lead author of the study, Stephanie R. Rainey-Smith, PhD, shared...

Addressing Back Pain

The majority of people getting physiotherapy treatments suffer from low back and cervical spine pain (and related conditions like sciatica, tinnitus, headaches), mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting too long at the office and commuting, with little movement and exercise, causes many of them to have muscle imbalances. Almost everyone experiencing this type of pain has weak core muscles. Some things you can do every day to keep muscles balanced...

How the Modern Diet Isn’t Feeding Our Bodies (and What We Can Do About It)

To read Part 1 and understand how carbohydrates can influence your health, click here   The Difference between “Good Carbs” and Refined Carbs Non-refined carbs include oat, millet, brown and red rice, spelt, buckwheat and any other whole grains that have not been refined, as well as fruits and vegetables and “old breads” (made of whole grains such as whole rye). These carbs bring in micronutrients and fiber, so the body is getting...

Addressing the Different Types of Stress Common to Shanghai Expats

Stress, Time and Self-Management Most people associate “stress” with “too much”…too much to do and the heart-pumping sensation of pressure and deadlines. But “too little” can leave us mentally stressed as well. Small or large changes can also cause stress. We don’t always recognize the symptoms of this kind of stress, or take them seriously. When we don’t have extreme pressure but are suffering from the stress of “too little” we...