
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Breathe Freely: Natural Allergy Solutions

Breathe Freely: Natural Allergy Solutions

Are red, watery eyes and a swollen nose your trademark spring look? Many allergy sufferers dread the coming spring. Life becomes round after round of antihistamines and nasal sprays. Shanghai’s damp, dusty (and polluted) environment is a nightmare for many allergy and asthma sufferers.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom: The Root Causes of Allergies

TCM interprets allergies as a disharmony in the body. It is often diagnosed as a “wind” influence accompanied by another pathogenic factor like dampness or heat which disturbs the balance of your system. Additionally, allergy sufferers are often thought to have an underlying weakness of the lung or spleen system.

Natural Solutions for Allergy Sufferers

TCM tackles allergies with a combination of herbs, diet and acupuncture. Specific herbs can help eliminate the wind from the patient’s body, clear the nasal passages and sinuses and soothe itchy eyes. Mucus is related to the digestive system, hence a healthy digestion results in less mucus production. Sweets, dairy and cold foods increase mucus and should be avoided. Acupuncture supports the healing process by giving temporary relief and sometimes generating complete remission.

The Annals of Internal Medicine reported on a 2013 study done at Charité-University Medical Center in Berlin, in which allergy sufferers who received acupuncture required less antihistamine medication. Acupuncture has proven effective for relieving headaches, a frequent allergy symptom.

A Patient Success Story

While Shanghai might work against those of us who suffer from allergies and respiratory ailments, being here also gives us the opportunity to explore different approaches to healing our bodies.

If you are suffering from allergies and would like to explore natural ways to resolve them, contact Body & Soul to schedule a TCM consultation.

Doris Rathgeber
TCM Doctor & Founder of Body & Soul – Medical Clinics

With more than 20 years of experience as a TCM Doctor and internal medicine specialist, Doris treats a vast array of acute and chronic diseases by expertly combining Traditional Chinese Medicine with Western Medicine. She also hast extensive experience addressing women’s issues as well as infertility problems.