
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

Anji Plaza 14th floor, Rood 05, 760 South Xizang Road

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(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225


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Blog Masonry

tcm-shanghai  >  Blog Masonry (Page 22)

Women’s Day Healing Circle: Reconnect with Your Joy and Sensuality

Pursuing its mission to heal patients as a whole, Body & Soul is happy to introduce a new series of healing workshops including Women’s Sharing Circles led by Bibiana Rueda-Bueno, Holistic Psychologist. These workshops aim at soothing the mind, balancing emotions and harmonizing energy. Attendees become...

TCM Focus: Tuina Massage

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) differs from western medicine in a number of ways. These include how a diagnosis is made, as well as the curative methods employed. Our TCM series serves to introduce the various methods and their underlying mechanisms. Tuina massage is the name...

How to Stay Healthy This Winter with TCM

TCM Focus: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and discover a delicious 5 Element warming recipe! In wintertime the traditional Chinese Yin-Yang cycle reaches its Yin peak. It is the season of rest and passivity, during which nature reduces its activities. In TCM, winter is related to the water...

Winter Blues: Stuck in the post-holiday doldrums?

After all the holiday celebrations, Christmas family visits, and Spring Festival travel, you may feel a bit down returning to your routine in Shanghai. The winter weather doesn’t help. Many people feel more lethargic and moody during the cold, dreary weather. Some people face more...

How to Stay Healthy This Winter with TCM

TCM Focus: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and discover a delicious 5 Element warming recipe! In wintertime the traditional Chinese Yin-Yang cycle reaches its Yin peak. It is the season of rest and passivity, during which nature reduces its activities. In TCM, winter is related to the water...

Introducing Body & Soul’s New Monthly Health Zine!

We're launching a new Body & Soul Wellness Zine on WeChat! Make sure to follow us on WeChat (scan the QR code or find "BodyAndSoul"'s official account) to get this month's edition! The Body & Soul Wellness Zine brings timely health tips and news right to...

East Meets West: Healthy Winter Spices

These herbs and spices do more than smell good. They are often used in TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) remedies for their healing properties. The Chinese have long categorized herbs and foods by their temperature effects (cool, fresh, neutral, warm and hot) on the body. Most...

Beyond Valentine’s Day: How to Nurture Romantic Relationships

How to be a Real Romantic: Beyond Candy & Flowers We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate every day. All couples need to practice that discipline, especially as they face different...

Planning and Manifesting Your Best 2017

Many times “new year’s resolutions” fail because we state an intention but then we don’t focus on it. This may come from the fact that we don’t spend time reflecting on what we really want and how we will put energy towards those goals. Rather...

Was 2016 a Really Bad Year?

How to Close Out 2016 on a Positive Note • Be aware of things you’ve learned about yourself. This is an important way to reframe your experiences and use them to continue making positive changes. • Be grateful for the people who appeared in your life and...

How to Ruin the Holidays

1. Compare and complain. For example, if you go home to a small town you can focus on how nothing is as exciting or interesting as Shanghai (and tell everyone about it). If you stay in Shanghai for the holidays, you can complain about how...

Join the Shanghai Health & Wellness Group!

Body & Soul is proud to announce the creation of the Shanghai Health and Wellness discussion group on Facebook, where members can share articles, exchange ideas and ask questions about healthy living in Shanghai. This group is for people living in (or planning to come...

Functional Medicine: What Patients Can Expect

Functional medicine offers solutions for patients with chronic illness. It enables patients with chronic health issues to identify the root causes of multiple symptoms and address them directly to achieve optimal wellness. What is the process like for the patient? Getting Started A functional medicine practitioner seeks...

New services: lama fera and singing bowls

Pursuing its mission to heal patients as a whole, Body & Soul is happy to introduce a new addition to the list of services offered: Lama Fera and Healing Sounds by Gabriel Salazar, Reiki Master and Holistic Healer. These alternative therapies aim at soothing the...

Anxiety in Adolescents

Anxiety disorders are one of the most frequently diagnosed mental health disorders in teens. One study in Germany indicated that about 10% of children and adolescents suffer from anxiety disorders (Robert Koch-Intuit; BELLA-Studied). The primary anxiety disorders are: Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Phobias, and Separation...