Everything’s Connected: Osteopathy’s Holistic Approach to Pain and Wellness
Because Osteopathy is a holistic approach to realigning the body, it can help with many conditions. Osteopathy emphasizes manipulation of the muscoskelatal system, cranial bones and visceral treatment to positively affect the body's nervous, circulatory and lymphatic systems. People commonly seek out osteopathy for pain,...
Copy of The Techniques and Benefits of Psycho-Oncology
Paula van Grieken Ferrer: "Psycho-oncology treatment works with the cancer patient and family through different stages and challenges to manage distress and equip them with coping tools. When a patient is newly diagnosed, for example, the psychologist might address anxiety and fear, assist the person...
Copy of Blog: Mind-Body Connections
As an osteopath, people come to me because of aches and pains and I treat their physical issues, whether from trauma, overuse, postural distortion, or old injuries. However, not all pain a patient feels is physical. Sometimes the pain comes from an emotional source, and...
Copy of Blog: “Ergonomics and Back Pain Tips”
It is common to feel tired and restless after a long day at the office. You might start to experience small pains in your lower back, legs and neck when seated for long periods. You might feel a headache coming on and experience tension in...
Copy of Blog: “My child’s aggressive behavior” and “spring in Shanghai and the body”
Two new blog-entries to discover: Spring in Shanghai: Seasonal Changes and Your Body and Should I Be Worried About My Child's Aggressive Behavior. Have fun reading them!...
Copy of New Doctor & Therapist in the Body & Soul Team!
Shane Chen is a Doctor for Traditional Chinese Medicine and an Acupuncturist. He is an internal medicine expert and treats various diseases such as digestive and respiratory diseases. He is also specialized in pain management. He offers consultations in our Hongmei Road Clinic- Hongqiao. Claire Lin...
Copy of New website launched!
Feel free to explore and read more about the services we offer, the doctors and therapists on the team and discover exclusive content. Please check out our latest events or find good advice in our healthy recipies section. ...
Copy of Discover the 10th Anniversary Promotions in June & July
It’s been 10 years that Body & Soul Team has been dedicated to helping people make a smooth transition into a harmonious, balanced and healthy living. During these 10 years, Body & Soul has succeeded in establishing: Come and celebrate 10 years of successful healing results...
Copy of Tips from the pros: how to boost your Valentine’s
We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but this quote reminds us that love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate with more than just candy, flowers, and jewelry on one day. Bibiana Rueda-Bueno and Paula van...
Health Problems that Love Shanghai Summers
As the temperatures heat up, so do some heat-related problems commonly suffered by Shanghai residents. Here are some issues to watch for and tips to stay healthy and comfortable this summer! Fungus Fungus loves summer in Shanghai! The heat, humidity and consumption of sweet foods and drinks...