
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Author: body & soul

Blog: Mind-Body Connections

As an osteopath, people come to me because of aches and pains and I treat their physical issues, whether from trauma, overuse, postural distortion, or old injuries. However, not all pain a patient feels is physical. Sometimes the pain comes from an emotional source, and we may greatly underestimate the role of emotion in all pain. During physical trauma, the person’s emotional state at that moment becomes part of the whole...

Mind-Body Connections: The Hidden Role of Emotion in Pain

During physical trauma, the person’s emotional state at that moment becomes part of the whole package of ‘pain’ the person experiences. I have seen many instances whereby I was treating someone for a physical issue, and the patient began to cry. Sometimes they knew why, and sometimes they didn’t. However, very often as treatment progresses the patient will be able to relate the emotion they felt to either a physical...

Blog: “Ergonomics and Back Pain Tips”

It is common to feel tired and restless after a long day at the office. You might start to experience small pains in your lower back, legs and neck when seated for long periods. You might feel a headache coming on and experience tension in your neck and tired eyes. Your body is signaling that you’ve been sitting too long in one position (or in the incorrect position). Over time,...

Is Your Shanghai Office a Pain in Your Neck? Ergonomics and Back Pain Tips

The most important, and often overlooked, tip for office ergonomics is to sit in a dynamic way. Your body needs to move. Sitting in one position for hours on end is unnatural. Try to stand as often as possible, or move your position in your chair. Sitting toward the front of your chair can help engage your muscles. Even if you’re sitting in a bad position or don’t have the...

Should I Be Worried About My Child’s Aggressive Behavior

When Victor rudely took the ball from Noah, he cared only about getting the ball, not paying attention to how his actions unintentionally hurt Noah. This is a common type of aggression among kids between two and a half to five years old. It is called “Instrumental Aggression” with its focus on a goal such as getting a favorite toy or a preferred space. The age of five is typically...

Enjoy Today by Finding Security Within: Tips for Adjusting to Life in Shanghai

As human beings, we often seek security and safety from the outside world. We tend to think that if we control our environment, people or situations outside us, we might feel secure. Yet, when we try, we realize two important things; one is that we cannot control situations or people and the other being that any sense of that type of control is fleeting. For expats who have relocated to...

Body & Soul continues to support Heart To Heart and the Children in Need

Heart To Heart Shanghai is a non-profit community outreach organization composed of volunteers who give support to Chinese children from extremely poor families who are undergoing heart surgery. On top of raising funds to cover the expenses of life saving surgeries, the Body & Soul Team devotes its spare time to knitting warm clothes for the children. On March 4, Doris Rathgeber along with a few Body & Soul nurses...

Beyond Valentine’s Day: Romance Means Nurturing Your Relationship

We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate every day. All couples need to practice that discipline and sometimes need help as they face different challenges and life changes, such as those that come with relocating to Shanghai. Some of the common relationship issues that Shanghai residents come to us for include infidelity, communication problems and issues...

Tips from the pros: how to boost your Valentine’s

We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but this quote reminds us that love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate with more than just candy, flowers, and jewelry on one day. Bibiana Rueda-Bueno and Paula van Grieken Ferrer, psychologists at Body & Soul-Medical Clinics, sat down with me to share their advice for keeping relationships healthy all year round. Read the full article...