
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Author: body & soul

Introduction to TCM Pediatric: 3 Excesses

The 3 excesses are seen in the Yang, Liver and Heart. Yin & Yang Qualities of Yang in relation to Yin are those that are bright, warm, active movement. As mentioned, children have a pure Yang constitution and Yang is the substance which drive the growing process, Yin substance (which is the blood, the essence of the body) are relatively low due to the consumption during the growing process. Liver Zhu Dan-Xi, 朱丹溪 one...

How Reiki and sound healing can help with grieving and depression

Life is a journey as some spiritual teachers say and sometimes tragedy happens and some of us have the tendency to avoid feeling pain, going to great lengths to suppress those feelings of intense sadness. But when we allow the grief to unfold is when we begin to heal those wounds. Going through pain is necessary to come to terms with the loss. Hence, we can say grieving is a process...

The Total Body Adjustment

Osteopathy has grown a lot since it was founded over 100 years ago. With the advancements of modern medicine and a greater understanding of how the body functions many new treatment techniques have evolved. With these advancements and developments many Osteopaths now work in ways that would be unknown to the early pioneers of Osteopathy. While many of these new techniques are excellent in rehabilitation and helping people in pain, the...

Sandplay Therapy – Exploring your Inner World with Imagery

An approach to allow Children, Adolescents and Adults to express their inner world. What is Sandplay Theory? It is a psychological method of working with clients on their particular issues in a non-intruded, free and protected space of their own psyche. In such a way, the client has an opportunity to explore and connect with their inner world, to understand the message from the unconscious, so to expand their awareness and...

Pain Management in TCM

Pain, one of the most difficult symptoms to solve in medical history, defined by the International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP) as an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with, or resembling that associated with, actual or potential tissue damage. There is a prevalence of 20% of adults suffering from pain globally, 10% are newly diagnosed with chronic pain each year.[1] With the development of society, humans start to work...

Meet the Therapist: Wendy Zhao, PhD, Psychologist and Coach (Part 2)

Wendy Zhao, PhD You can read Part 1 of our introduction to Dr. Wendy Zhao here. Today, Wendy will share more about the various patients she helps, her techniques and services. Specialties Dr. Wendy’s specialties are workplace pressure, interpersonal relationships, low self-esteem, anxiety, and cross-cultural adjustments. Furthermore, she aims to address entrenched patterns of behavior, experiences of meaninglessness and emptiness, spiritual questioning, midlife and later adult life transition. Who She Helps Wendy works with business professionals...

Meet the Therapist: Wendy Zhao, PhD, Psychologist and Coach (Part 1)

Wendy Zhao is a psychologist and executive coach. She works in the areas of business, psychology, and family matters. She focuses on helping clients through crisis and transformation, dealing with anxiety and stress related difficulties, and promoting clients’ personal growth and leadership development. Dr. Zhao offers treatment for both adults and children (ages 6-12). Dr. Zhao’s Background As a "Third Culture Kid "herself, spending teen years in the US after a childhood...

Tips to Reduce Morning Sickness and Backaches During Pregnancy

Here are some do’s and don’ts that will help you prevent backaches and morning sickness, some of the most common complaints, during pregnancy. Make sure to consult with your doctor and consider visiting a TCM practitioner and/or physiotherapist if you are having difficulty with back pain or nausea. Natural treatments, exercises, and small lifestyle modifications can help you be more comfortable during your pregnancy. Do: Eat many small meals throughout the...

Sweating It Out

Sweating is a normal bodily function. The human body contains up to five million sweat glands, which release perspiration to the surface when our body temperature rises. When this fluid on our skin’s surface evaporates, we cool down to maintain a normal body temperature (average 37°C). Of course, sometimes we sweat more than usual. We sweat more on hot days, depending on how we are dressed, and during physical exertion. Additionally,...

The Danger of Dengue Fever

Dengue fever has broken out in different pockets in South American in 2020. It is more common in the summer months. It is also prevalent happens in Mainland China, particularly in Guangdong Province, Guangxi Autonomous Region, and the provinces of Fujian, Hainan, Yunnan, and Zhejiang, and many countries nearby in tropical climates and is a particular concern when traveling. The global incidence has grown dramatically in recent decades. About half of...