
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Author: body & soul

Copy of Discover the 10th Anniversary Promotions in June & July

It’s been 10 years that Body & Soul Team has been dedicated to helping people make a smooth transition into a harmonious, balanced and healthy living. During these 10 years, Body & Soul has succeeded in establishing: Come and celebrate 10 years of successful healing results with us by enjoying the following promotions during June & July: Parent and Child GymnasticsEnjoy 5 sessions of 45 minutes of gentle exercises for...

Copy of Tips from the pros: how to boost your Valentine’s

We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but this quote reminds us that love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate with more than just candy, flowers, and jewelry on one day. Bibiana Rueda-Bueno and Paula van Grieken Ferrer, psychologists at Body & Soul-Medical Clinics, sat down with me to share their advice for keeping relationships healthy all year round. Read the...

Health Problems that Love Shanghai Summers

As the temperatures heat up, so do some heat-related problems commonly suffered by Shanghai residents. Here are some issues to watch for and tips to stay healthy and comfortable this summer! Fungus Fungus loves summer in Shanghai! The heat, humidity and consumption of sweet foods and drinks are the perfect environment for fungal infections. Closed shoes, locker rooms, pools and public showers are breeding grounds for fungus such as athlete’s foot. Make sure...

Blog: When the tongue speaks for your body

The human tongue is seen as a “map” of the internal body, standing not only for the blood and Qi fluency, but also for the harmony of all organs. Each part of the tongue mirrors an organical system according to the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). But how can someone come up with a diagnosis just by looking at a person’s tongue? Read on ...

The Techniques and Benefits of Psycho-Oncology

Psycho-oncology treatment works with the cancer patient and family through different stages and challenges to manage distress and equip them with coping tools. When a patient is newly diagnosed, for example, the psychologist might address anxiety and fear, assist the person in ways to take an active part in deciding on treatment options and provide psycho-education (what to expect, how to express one’s feelings, getting resources). Psychologists can give patients tools...

Keeping Your Feet Healthy This Summer

Certain foot issues tend to be worse during the hot, humid summers in Shanghai, including: Fissures (small cracks in the skin on the heels and toes), exacerbated by wearing open shoes in the dusty, polluted environment of Shanghai Fungus (toenail and “athlete’s foot”): nail fungus can appear as thickening or discoloration of the nail (if you aren’t sure have it evaluated, since normal aging and other issues can appear similar),...

New Blogs: Psycho-Oncology and Lymphatic Drainage

Paula van Grieken Ferrer: "Over the years, I have worked with many cancer patients and families as a Clinical Psychologist and have seen the benefits of emotional support and psychological management techniques. The field of psycho-oncology, founded in the 1980s, is developing to further help patients fighting cancer (and adjusting after treatment), as well to better understand the links between the psychosocial and physical aspects of disease." Read on ...

Shanghai Cancer Resource: Psycho-Oncology

Over the years, I have worked with many cancer patients and families as a Clinical Psychologist and have seen the benefits of emotional support and psychological management techniques. The field of psycho-oncology, founded in the 1980s, is developing to further help patients fighting cancer (and adjusting after treatment), as well to better understand the links between the psychosocial and physical aspects of disease. What is psycho-oncology? Psycho-oncology is a field of interdisciplinary...

FAQs about Lymphatic Drainage

What is lymphatic drainage? Manual lymphatic drainage is a type of gentle, targeted massage used to encourage drainage of the lymphatic system, which carries waste products away from the tissues and back toward the heart. It is a highly effective treatment for chronic edema (swelling). What causes lymphedema (AKA edema)? The lymphatic system is an important part of our circulatory system, processing large amounts of body fluid and filtering waste products, bacteria and...