
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

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Tips Tag

Heavier Red Meat Consumption Tied to Higher Fatty Liver Risk

A February 15, 2019 article on Medscape.com from Lisa Rapaport (Reuters Health) reported how people who eat a significant amount of animal protein may be more likely to have excessive fat in their livers The Dutch study reported on shows these individuals have a higher risk of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) than individuals whose main source of protein is vegetables.   Researchers examined data for 3,882 study participants. Overweight people who...

Naturally Reducing the Dangers of High Cholesterol

The Chinese consider high cholesterol to be a modern disease that goes along with a wealthier lifestyle. Essentially, in our modern society we generally eat a higher fat, higher calorie diet. At the same time, we tend to have less physical work and daily movement. However, heredity can also be a reason for high cholesterol. The High Risks of High Cholesterol High cholesterol is one of the risk factors that can lead...

New School Year, New You: Achieving Your Goals

As the school year starts and many of us return from summer holidays, we start to think of plans for the time ahead. Some will be starting a new job, or coming to Shanghai for the first time. And, many of us will be ready to settle back into a routine and think about things we’d like to change or accomplish. This is the perfect time to set goals, whether short-term improvements or long-term plans. Here are some key tips for setting and achieving your goals:

Keeping Your Feet Healthy This Summer

Certain foot issues tend to be worse during the hot, humid summers in Shanghai, including: Fissures (small cracks in the skin on the heels and toes), exacerbated by wearing open shoes in the dusty, polluted environment of Shanghai Fungus (toenail and “athlete’s foot”): nail fungus can appear as thickening or discoloration of the nail (if you aren’t sure have it evaluated, since normal aging and other issues can appear similar),...

Staying Healthy on the Road

If you travel, it can be especially tough to stay healthy. Many Shanghai expats travel a lot for work (and fun!) and keep busy schedules. Sometimes this leads to poor health and pain from an overly sedentary lifestyle. If you don’t make time to build in some movement and exercise, your body will pay for it in the long run. Here are some tips for staying healthy on the road...

Spring Renewal: Nine Habits for a Happy, Healthy Life

We’re all made of energy. We now know it only takes 12 seconds to invite something into our energy at the vibrational level. What does this mean? It means you have the power to change your life. Here are some tips for creating positive energy: 1. Be aware of the quality of your thoughts and ideas. Reality is neutral; the way you interpret it is not. 2. Be grateful. Smile, say thank...

How to Stay Healthy This Winter with TCM

TCM Focus: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and discover a delicious 5 Element warming recipe! In wintertime the traditional Chinese Yin-Yang cycle reaches its Yin peak. It is the season of rest and passivity, during which nature reduces its activities. In TCM, winter is related to the water element and associated with the kidney and bladder. Our essential energy, Qi, needs special care and nourishment during cold, damp winter weather. Different areas of...

How to Stay Healthy This Winter with TCM

TCM Focus: Maintain a healthy lifestyle and discover a delicious 5 Element warming recipe! In wintertime the traditional Chinese Yin-Yang cycle reaches its Yin peak. It is the season of rest and passivity, during which nature reduces its activities. In TCM, winter is related to the water element and associated with the kidney and bladder. Our essential energy, Qi, needs special care and nourishment during cold, damp winter weather. Different areas of...

Are You Dehydrated?

Many Shanghai residents suffer from regular dehydration. Not drinking enough water is quite common. Here in Shanghai, we tend to sweat a bit more due to the humid, crowded conditions. Coffee drinkers or those indulging in an occasional glass of wine or a cocktail suffer from further dehydration due to the diuretic effects of caffeine and alcohol. Patients sometimes remark that they don’t like to drink too much water when...