
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Mental Health Tag

Addressing the Different Types of Stress Common to Shanghai Expats

Stress, Time and Self-Management Most people associate “stress” with “too much”…too much to do and the heart-pumping sensation of pressure and deadlines. But “too little” can leave us mentally stressed as well. Small or large changes can also cause stress. We don’t always recognize the symptoms of this kind of stress, or take them seriously. When we don’t have extreme pressure but are suffering from the stress of “too little” we...

Physical Pain: The Emotional Connection

Any physical issue or pain you experience is a symptom of what is going on in the body and mind. It is all connected, so body and mind cannot be separated. TCM has long understood this wholeness. Focusing solely on symptom treatment has kept a lot of people in a cycle of masking what the body is saying and therefore continuing to suffer. BioNeuroEmotion (BNE) is a method that studies a...

New School Year, New You: Achieving Your Goals

As the school year starts and many of us return from summer holidays, we start to think of plans for the time ahead. Some will be starting a new job, or coming to Shanghai for the first time. And, many of us will be ready to settle back into a routine and think about things we’d like to change or accomplish. This is the perfect time to set goals, whether short-term improvements or long-term plans. Here are some key tips for setting and achieving your goals:

Spring Renewal: Nine Habits for a Happy, Healthy Life

We’re all made of energy. We now know it only takes 12 seconds to invite something into our energy at the vibrational level. What does this mean? It means you have the power to change your life. Here are some tips for creating positive energy: 1. Be aware of the quality of your thoughts and ideas. Reality is neutral; the way you interpret it is not. 2. Be grateful. Smile, say thank...

Winter Blues: Stuck in the post-holiday doldrums?

After all the holiday celebrations, Christmas family visits, and Spring Festival travel, you may feel a bit down returning to your routine in Shanghai. The winter weather doesn’t help. Many people feel more lethargic and moody during the cold, dreary weather. Some people face more serious seasonal depression. What can you do to deal with winter blues? • If you are feeling sad or grieving, take time to legitimize your pain...

Planning and Manifesting Your Best 2017

Many times “new year’s resolutions” fail because we state an intention but then we don’t focus on it. This may come from the fact that we don’t spend time reflecting on what we really want and how we will put energy towards those goals. Rather than making failed resolutions again this year, here is a plan for manifesting your best 2017: 1. Think about what your values and priorities are. Be...

Was 2016 a Really Bad Year?

How to Close Out 2016 on a Positive Note • Be aware of things you’ve learned about yourself. This is an important way to reframe your experiences and use them to continue making positive changes. • Be grateful for the people who appeared in your life and for those who have left. This last part is especially important in Shanghai where people come and go frequently. It’s easy to dwell on the...

How to Ruin the Holidays

1. Compare and complain. For example, if you go home to a small town you can focus on how nothing is as exciting or interesting as Shanghai (and tell everyone about it). If you stay in Shanghai for the holidays, you can complain about how much better the holidays are at home. 2. Take everything personally. The holidays bring out a lot of emotions and we can easily fall into a...

Creating Your Own Oasis in Shanghai

It’s common for Shanghai expats to focus on escapism, in other words always looking toward “the day it’s over”. Both unconsciously and in statements and actions, expats are often waiting for the next vacation, trip home, or repatriation for an escape. Or, they may pack their schedules all week with constant meetings, errands and a full to-do list so that they’re exhausted by Friday and always awaiting the weekend to...

Five Tips to Be Ready for a Healthy, Happy Relationship

If you are single, you have a wonderful opportunity to prepare yourself for a healthy relationship and to choose the right partner. In choosing a partner, you should not feel you have to “sacrifice” things. That negative connotation is not a great way to start a relationship. Here are a few key steps to being prepared for a healthy partnership: 1. Have an awareness of your beliefs. Hear what you’re telling yourself...