
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

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Alternative healing Tag

FEELING tired? Ways to Help Recover from Post-Covid Fatigue

Symptoms after acute Covid-19 are highly variable and wide-ranging. The most commonly reported symptoms include (but are not limited to) the following: Respiratory symptoms Cardiovascular symptoms Neurological symptoms* Gastrointestinal symptoms Musculoskeletal symptoms* ENT symptoms Dermatological symptoms Psychological/Psychiatric symptoms Generalized symptoms* *Musculoskeletal, neurological and generalized symptoms are amongst the common complaints we have seen in the clinic. Fatigue or a decrease in overall energy and stamina is the highlight of complaints in particular....

Meet the Therapist: Jack Hou, Senior Psychology Counselor

Body & Soul Medical Clinic cooperated with Hanlin Psychological Consultancy. We are honored to have Jack Hou (the CEO and Co-Founder of Hanlin) join our professional community and clinic as a psychological counselor to further help people in need. 1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself… I am Jack HOU. I am currently a Senior Certified Counselor & Family Education Coach. I am also the National Professional Talent Certification Management Center's...

All About Bunions

John Zhong from Body & Soul Medical Clinics explains how treat and prevent the bunions can help you live a healthier lifestyle. What is a bunion? An outgrowth (bony bump) on the ball of one’s foot. It can be either at the ball of your big toe (known as a bunion) or small toe (called a bunionette). Why does one get a bunion? There are many theories about how bunions develop, but the exact...

Small Gym, Home Office

Let’s make moves together! 让我们动起来 First, let’s check our posture before reading further… 首先,阅读前让我们先确认一下您的姿势 3 2 1 Are you in this position? 是这样的? Or this? 这样的? Or even this? 还是这样的? Now, let’s take a deep breath and then restore our posture according to the following picture: 现在,让我们深吸一口气,然后把姿势调整到如下图所示 A lot of people have to stay at home under the current situation. Gyms are closed and outdoor group sport activities are mostly cancelled. We start to move less and become more sedentary at home....

Addressing Back Pain: Physiotherapists’ Tips

As part of our series about treating back pain in Shanghai, Body & Soul practitioners will share how they address back pain and provide some valuable tips for those suffering from this common problem. Previously, Body & Soul’s osteopaths and chiropractor covered how they help with back pain. Today, physiotherapists John Zhong and Dong Yu offer tips to prevent and manage back pain. Resolving the Causes of Back Pain The majority of...

The Science Behind Emotions and Pain

Patients frequently wonder: “Why do I have this pain?” or “Why can’t I heal?” Often, this has to do with the complex interplay of emotions and stress in the body. The Physiological Response to Trauma The body can deal with physical trauma better than non-physical trauma. As a species, our bodies are highly evolved to handle illness and injury. However, when we suppress or deny emotional pain, stress, and other non-physiological trauma...

Addressing Back Pain

The majority of people getting physiotherapy treatments suffer from low back and cervical spine pain (and related conditions like sciatica, tinnitus, headaches), mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle. Sitting too long at the office and commuting, with little movement and exercise, causes many of them to have muscle imbalances. Almost everyone experiencing this type of pain has weak core muscles. Some things you can do every day to keep muscles balanced...

FAQs about Lymphatic Drainage

Physiotherapists at Body & Soul – Medical Clinics assist Shanghai residents with health, rehabilitation and pain management. One specialty of physiotherapy is manual lymphatic drainage, highly effective for those who suffer from lymphedema. Here are a few common questions to explain more about lymphatic drainage treatment and when it might be needed by patients living in Shanghai. What is lymphatic drainage? Manual lymphatic drainage is a type of gentle, targeted massage used...

Women’s Day Healing Circle: Reconnect with Your Joy and Sensuality

Pursuing its mission to heal patients as a whole, Body & Soul is happy to introduce a new series of healing workshops including Women’s Sharing Circles led by Bibiana Rueda-Bueno, Holistic Psychologist. These workshops aim at soothing the mind, balancing emotions and harmonizing energy. Attendees become more aware and relaxed. It provides them with tools to deal with daily situations and emotions. Women’s Day Event On the occasion of Women’s Day on the...

Reiki: An Effective Healing Partner

Reiki is now one of the top three complementary therapies in U.S. hospitals, according to an AHA (American Hospital Association) survey. The International Association of Reiki Practitioners states that Reiki becomes more demanded in the clinical setting. Nurses and doctors share that Reiki: makes a patient relaxed, calm and cooperative; relieves pain; boosts immunity; decreases the need for pain medications; improves sleep and appetite; accelerates healing; and reduces many of...