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Relationships Tag

Imposter Phenomenon:Facing Fears of Inadequacy and Self-Doubt Part II

Last time we introduced, impostor syndrome, today let's talk about the cause, conquering impostor feelings and how we deal with it. Causes The initial causes of IP often come at a young age. And it often has to do with relationships with primary caregivers and important adults in our lives. A parenting style that is highly achievement-oriented and highly critical. This pattern is a setup for being high-achieving and driven but also...

Facing Fears of Inadequacy and Self-Doubt Part I

Introduction - What is the imposter phenomenon?Have you ever felt fearful about making a mistake or anxious about being seen as incompetent in your roles? You may be experiencing Impostor Phenomenon (IP) if you: are constantly experiencing intense feelings thinking that your achievements are undeserved attribute success to external factors unrelated to the ability experience subsequent procrastination and self-sabotaging.  The clinical symptoms frequently reported are: generalized anxiety, lack of self-confidence, depression, and frustration. These...

Freeing ourselves from the complex that binds us

Every crisis entails opportunity – the father complex that binds us and how do we break this strain?   In “Enough as you are: believe in yourself": we like to think we can accomplish anything if we set our minds to it, still clients such as Valerie came to the clinic citing: anxiety attacks with feelings of inadequacy, rumination, persistent worry were the chief complaints. She further states, there is an inner...

What Are You Really Saying? Unlocking the Secrets of Good Communication

„You cannot not communicate."(Paul Watzlawick) Communication is everywhere and makes our interactions possible. But communication is not just a simple tool for giving objective information. We’re constantly giving signals in our communications and creating an atmosphere for personal relationships. We communicate inner feelings and expectations along with information. How you talk to someone makes a world of difference. Communication can make relationships stronger. Good communication is a powerful tool for your personal...

Common Emotional and Relationship Issues for Today’s Woman

The devaluation of the feminine energy  and our attempts to fit into society’s/other’s view of our roles plays a part in many of the emotional and relationship issues women face today. I work with many clients to better understand how these issues are affecting their lives and to examine how they see themselves and how they can reconnect with their feminine energy. One common example is the successful career woman in...

Beyond Valentine’s Day: How to Nurture Romantic Relationships

How to be a Real Romantic: Beyond Candy & Flowers We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate every day. All couples need to practice that discipline, especially as they face different challenges and life changes. Some common relationship issues that Shanghai residents come to us for include infidelity, communication problems and issues regarding the individual’s personal path....

How to Ruin the Holidays

1. Compare and complain. For example, if you go home to a small town you can focus on how nothing is as exciting or interesting as Shanghai (and tell everyone about it). If you stay in Shanghai for the holidays, you can complain about how much better the holidays are at home. 2. Take everything personally. The holidays bring out a lot of emotions and we can easily fall into a...

Five Tips to Be Ready for a Healthy, Happy Relationship

If you are single, you have a wonderful opportunity to prepare yourself for a healthy relationship and to choose the right partner. In choosing a partner, you should not feel you have to “sacrifice” things. That negative connotation is not a great way to start a relationship. Here are a few key steps to being prepared for a healthy partnership: 1. Have an awareness of your beliefs. Hear what you’re telling yourself...

Common Emotional and Relationship Issues for Today’s Woman

The devaluation of the feminine energy and our attempts to fit into society’s/other’s view of our roles plays a part in many of the emotional and relationship issues women face today. I work with many clients to better understand how these issues are affecting their lives and to examine how they see themselves and how they can reconnect with their feminine energy. One common example is the successful career woman in...

Beyond Valentine’s Day: Romance Means Nurturing Your Relationship

We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate every day. All couples need to practice that discipline and sometimes need help as they face different challenges and life changes, such as those that come with relocating to Shanghai. Some of the common relationship issues that Shanghai residents come to us for include infidelity, communication problems and issues...