Spring Renewal: Nine Habits for a Happy, Healthy Life
We’re all made of energy. We now know it only takes 12 seconds to invite something into our energy at the vibrational level. What does this mean? It means you have the power to change your life. Here are some tips for creating positive energy:
1. Be aware of the quality of your thoughts and ideas. Reality is neutral; the way you interpret it is not.
2. Be grateful. Smile, say thank you (to others, to yourself, to your body). Practice taking a moment to be grateful every day, for example to your body for being healthy enough to get you around, for the legs that propel you through the city and the freedom to go where you want.
3. Acceptance is powerful. Accept things you cannot change to save your energy and get rid of a lot of negative emotions.
4. Be a thriver, not a survivor. Focus on activities that make you grow, set goals, and spend time with positive role models who thrive in their environment.
5. Be your own best friend. Learn to recognize when you’re judging or criticizing yourself and how you might be acting as your own worst enemy. Would you say the things you “say” to yourself to a good friend?
6. Practice self-care. Know when you need a break or some ”me time”. Focus on healthy habits, but also incorporate self-care into your daily routine. What are you eating, thinking, and doing? Who are your surrounding yourself with?
7. Reframe situations as possibilities (or create the possibility). The person who initially feels devastated by a job loss, relationship ending or major life change often comes out of the situation even better than before. This can only happen if we can see or create the possibilities rather than getting bogged down too long in the negative feelings.
8. Set your day up for positive energy from the start. Think positively about it being a good day and be open to the great things the day will bring. Change your routine if it will help with this (get up a bit earlier to have time for yourself, start with a quick meditation or stretching, change your commute method or timing).
9. Connect to the balance of giving and receiving in life. Many of us are good at giving, but not at receiving. When your friend offers to split the check, take the money and say thank you. Accept a compliment rather than brushing it off. It is also important to identify “takers” in our lives who drain our energy without giving back.
These simple tips can make a big difference in how you’re experiencing life, no matter what the circumstances. If you need help putting this into practice or breaking old patterns, contact Body & Soul to make a consultation appointment with Bibiana.
Bibiana is a holistic psychologist who combines clinical psychology, psychogenealogy (family tree therapy) and alternative techniques to help her clients live a healthier, happier life.