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Dos and Don’ts: Technology & Kids

Dos and Don’ts: Technology & Kids

Technology & Your Kids: Maximize the Good, Minimize the Bad

Technology is fully integrated and essential to our lives. This is probably even more so in China where we can do almost any task from our phones. For kids, technology can be a tool for school, learning and development. On the other hand, without proper supervision and limits, children can suffer negative effects. When technology is overused, kids show a decline in creativity. They start to prefer technology to playing outside or with other kids. They lose practice interacting with groups, thus stunting social skills. And, some video games have been shown to influence aggressive thoughts and behavior.

Technology can be so handy when kids are in adult settings where they need quiet entertainment. There’s not necessarily anything wrong with offering your child the iPad to watch a movie or play a game in these scenarios. But, like everything in life, kids need balance. Sometimes when out to dinner children might be fussy. They may indicate that they need to be held or to get some exercise, or might be tired or thirsty. It’s important to listen to the signals from kids and not always turn to technology as a default solution.

Tips for Raising Kids in the Tech Age

  • Limit use of technology (tablets, TV, video games, etc.) to a small amount of set time each day. Remember your children learn from your behavior too. For example, you might set aside family dinner and other times to silence/put away phones.
  • Consider when your child really needs his/her own phone. Many experts recommend 14 years old, but it depends on your family and lifestyle. You may feel safer being able to reach your child. However, there’s the option of giving a younger child an old phone that doesn’t have all the functionality of a smart phone. Or, you can provide a phone for them to use at certain times.
  • Communicate with your kids about technology. Explain the risks; talk about scenarios. Give them age-appropriate space, but set restrictions. For example, you may let your child set up their own Facebook account but explain you will sometimes check their account. Explain that you want to make sure their Facebook friends are only people they know in real life.

If you have concerns about your child–technology issues, learning problems, social skills, aggressive behavior, emotional issues–contact Body & Soul to make an appointment with Claudia Sáenz. Claudia is a Child & Teen Psychologist, experienced in psychological testing and psychotherapy. She’s worked in schools and clinics, helping kids with emotional issues, behavior and school problems.

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Medical Clinics

Body & Soul is your solution for wellness in Shanghai, with over 13 years successfully treating patients with a holistic blend of TCM and Western therapies. We also offer Shanghai’s largest team of multi-disciplinary pain management and rehabilitation experts.