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tcm-shanghai  >  Blog   >  Inside a Shanghai Reiki Session

Inside a Shanghai Reiki Session

I’ve provided an overview of what reiki is and how it can help previously. Now, I will share more about the client’s experience in one of my Shanghai reiki sessions in order for people who have never tried to know what to expect. A reiki session usually last about one hour. It can go slightly longer as everything is personalized and tailored to what the client needs. With the stressing life in Shanghai, regular sessions can help keep the person’s energy balanced for health and well-being. Many clients sign up for a series of three, five or nine sessions, but even one session can be helpful.

If it is the client’s first session, I give a brief introduction to reiki and myself. I want the client to understand the process and goals of reiki and ask any questions so that he/she is completely comfortable. A healthy, comfortable environment is essential for the client to benefit from the treatment. We talk about how the client is feeling, what is going on, any concerns or health issues and hopes or goals for the session. This takes up to about 10-15 minutes, depending on if it’s the client’s first time or how much the person wants to discuss.

The reiki session then begins with the client lying on their back on the table. I typically start with a guided, shamanic meditation. I use my pendulum for identifying blockages and cleaning the chakras (energy channels). I use various healing mechanisms, depending on the person’s needs. The primary reiki work is done using my hands with a light touch to channel the energy throughout the body. I typically talk to the client during this process to keep them engaged and give them an opportunity to focus on themselves for this time. It can be quite therapeutic. I may incorporate incense, flowers, and gemstones for healing and creating a soothing environment.

In the last couple minutes, I help the client awaken from the meditative state and we talk about how they’re feeling and what they experienced. Clients have great feedback about their reiki sessions. They typically report feeling happier, more relaxed, “well rested” and positive. Sometimes during the sessions clients will feel a tingling sensation or the heat of the energy. They may fall asleep or their limbs may feel a bit numb.

Afterwards, due to the energy work, some clients feel a little dizzy or even nauseated and may have a slight headache. Temporary symptoms like these and changes to digestion are natural results of the body’s cleansing process. Shortly, however, the client will feel much better and completely renewed. I recommend a healthy, detoxifying environment to nurture the body and soul during this time. The client should eat healthy foods, drink plenty of water, refrain from alcohol and take it easy following the session.

Reiki can do so much good for anyone, as long as they are willing and come with an open mind. The body has everything it needs to heal itself and by doing energy work we give ourselves the tools to stay physically, mentally and spiritually healthy.

To make an appointment for reiki in Shanghai with Gabriel Salazar, contact Body & Soul online or at +86 21 5101 9262.

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Medical Clinics

Body & Soul is your solution for wellness in Shanghai, with over 13 years successfully treating patients with a holistic blend of TCM and Western therapies. We also offer Shanghai’s largest team of multi-disciplinary pain management and rehabilitation experts.