
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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More Effective, Efficient Relief for Back and Neck Pain

More Effective, Efficient Relief for Back and Neck Pain

The McKenzie Method

The McKenzie Method® of Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy® (MDT) offers solutions for the common problems of neck, back and extremity pain. Much of the musculoskeletal pain so many of us deal with has a mechanical nature. In other words, everyday movements and certain postures cause us pain.

With stressful lifestyles and hours spent over computers and phones, more and more of us suffer needless pain. Through the methods of diagnosis and treatment developed by New Zealand Physiotherapist Robin McKenzie, patients can become (and stay) pain-free.

Who can benefit?

Patients commonly seek help for low back pain, neck or shoulder pain, or aching pain in elbows or knees. Issues like sciatica, difficulties bending or moving, numbness in extremities, and pain when sitting or doing certain activities benefit from MDT.

MDT can be especially effective for people who’ve continued to have intermittent/chronic pain with little resolution. Though the techniques are simple, they’re highly successful. MDT has helped many pain patients reduce or eliminate the need for medications, surgery and other extensive, costly treatments.

What’s unique about the McKenzie method?

MDT focuses heavily on the diagnosis. The practitioner does a detailed assessment to determine the nature of the issue. By evaluating repeated movements, the practitioner can see how your symptoms and range of motion change, to categorize your problem. From this classification, the clinician can perform hands-on treatment techniques, prescribe exercises and coach you on movement and posture.

The goal is to help the patient gain self-management and prevention techniques. McKenzie’s targeted methods help the MDT practitioner treat musculoskeletal problems with relatively few sessions (amount will depend upon the condition). Your MDT therapist helps you tap into the body’s healing powers, reducing the need for medical intervention. With more knowledge of his/her body, the patient can use simple techniques and improve posture to restore functioning and avoid pain in daily life.

MDT has gained popularity throughout the world for efficiently resolving pain and effectively maintaining freedom from pain. Unfortunately, there are only two registered MDT clinicians in China. Body & Soul is pleased to offer the services of Juke van der Scheer, the only MDT physiotherapist registered in Shanghai. Get in touch with us to schedule a consultation appointment with Juke. Juke offers sessions in our Downtown Clinic – Xintiandi in English, Dutch and French.

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Medical Clinics

Body & Soul is your solution for wellness in Shanghai, with over 13 years successfully treating patients with a holistic blend of TCM and Western therapies. We also offer Shanghai’s largest team of multi-disciplinary pain management and rehabilitation experts.