Copy of New website launched!
Feel free to explore and read more about the services we offer, the doctors and therapists on the team and discover exclusive content. Please check out our latest events or find good advice in our healthy recipies section. ...
Copy of Blog: “My child’s aggressive behavior” and “spring in Shanghai and the body”
Two new blog-entries to discover: Spring in Shanghai: Seasonal Changes and Your Body and Should I Be Worried About My Child's Aggressive Behavior. Have fun reading them!...
Copy of Discover the 10th Anniversary Promotions in June & July
It’s been 10 years that Body & Soul Team has been dedicated to helping people make a smooth transition into a harmonious, balanced and healthy living. During these 10 years, Body & Soul has succeeded in establishing: Come and celebrate 10 years of successful healing results with us by enjoying the following promotions during June & July: Parent and Child GymnasticsEnjoy 5 sessions of 45 minutes of gentle exercises for...
Copy of Blog: How to Get Rid of Your Cough with TCM
Coughing can have many root causes like bacterial or viral infections, asthma, diabetes, air pollution, dry air, temperature difference and vocal strain. Many environmental factors make Shanghai residents more prone to coughs. Overall, we know that frequent coughing is a symptom of the presence of a disease. As the classification of a cough is diverse (acute, chronic, dry, productive, day or night cough), the identification of the root causes is...
Copy of Tips from the pros: how to boost your Valentine’s
We celebrate romance on Valentine’s Day, but this quote reminds us that love and relationships are an ongoing “discipline”, something we need to work at and celebrate with more than just candy, flowers, and jewelry on one day. Bibiana Rueda-Bueno and Paula van Grieken Ferrer, psychologists at Body & Soul-Medical Clinics, sat down with me to share their advice for keeping relationships healthy all year round. Read the...
Copy of Blog: Enjoy Today by Finding Security Within: Tips for Adjusting to Life in Shanghai
Yet, when we try, we realize two important things; one is that we cannot control situations or people and the other being that any sense of that type of control is fleeting. For expats who have relocated to Shanghai, this can be a particular struggle. There is so much that feels out of our control and all of the changes and new experiences can overwhelm someone who seeks external control....
Copy of Body & Soul continues to support Heart To Heart and the Children in Need
Heart To Heart Shanghai is a non-profit community outreach organization composed of volunteers who give support to Chinese children from extremely poor families who are undergoing heart surgery. On top of raising funds to cover the expenses of life saving surgeries, the Body & Soul Team devotes its spare time to knitting warm clothes for the children. On March 4, Doris Rathgeber along with a few Body & Soul nurses...
Copy of Ask the Shanghai Chiropractor: Relieving Aches and Pains
Chiropractors deal with the joints and help them to work the way they should. Every joint has a normal range of motion. When a patient experiences limited range of motion and related pain, we help to get the joints working properly again. This includes soft tissue work, stretching and joint manipulation (also known as “adjustment”). With simple exercises to “work the joint”, blood flow is increased, bringing oxygen to the...
Copy of New workshops and talks for 2015
Plenty of choice: "Understand Your Kid’s World", "Spring Preparation with TCM" or "How to Face Fear & Enjoy Uncertainty" - our new talks and workshops cover a wide area of interests. TCM Doctor Doris Rathgeber, Holistic Psychologist Bibiana Rueda-Bueno and Child Psychologist Claire Lin are inviting you to join their circles and become a little bit wiser. Take a look at what they have to offer....
Copy of Doris on exercise scenes in Germany and China on Phoenix TV
I have been working out in this gym for four years, most clients here are Chinese. Most of my training partners are Chinese. Around the Century Park, a soft running track has been installed. More and more people are using the track. On Saturday mornings, because so many people run there, you can hardly find a spot to join. We (Germans) started this kind of movement around 40 years ago....