
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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Children Tag

The Trauma of Birth from an Osteopathic Perspective

How can birth be traumatic? Birth is indeed a normal part of the cycle of life. Yet birth is certainly capable of becoming our very first trauma. This trauma may be extreme, producing obvious injury. However, even when a normal birth appears to be completely trauma free, the pressures applied to the infant’s cranium can still cause some problems. The tiny infant is extremely resilient, able to withstand tremendous pressures as...

Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy for Babies and Children

Craniosacral therapy (CST) is a branch of osteopathic cranial work, popularized by John Upledger D.O.. The cranial concept was first developed by an osteopath called William Garner Sutherland in the early 20th century. Since Sutherland, there have been many practitioners like Upledger who have further developed the theory and other branches of the practice. Cranial work uses the osteopathic principles of the application of anatomy and physiology in order to correct...

Can I Do Anything About My Child’s Behavior Problems?

Have you ever wondered what to say when your child struggles with frustration, teasing, jealousy, bullies, sibling rivalries, study difficulties, procrastination, inattention, or other hurdles? Some children may be labeled as ADHD at early age. These questions might pop into your mind as a parent: “Is there anything I can do?” “Can behaviors be learned, trained and changed?” “Can I do something other than rely on medication at such an early age?” The answer...

Should I Be Worried About My Child’s Aggressive Behavior

When Victor rudely took the ball from Noah, he cared only about getting the ball, not paying attention to how his actions unintentionally hurt Noah. This is a common type of aggression among kids between two and a half to five years old. It is called “Instrumental Aggression” with its focus on a goal such as getting a favorite toy or a preferred space. The age of five is typically...