
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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tcm-shanghai  >  Blog   >  Stories of Personal Growth : Shanghai Clients Share the Benefits of Family Tree Therapy

Stories of Personal Growth : Shanghai Clients Share the Benefits of Family Tree Therapy

The techniques of psychogeneology (family tree therapy) enable clients to gain awareness of history, beliefs and patterns affecting their daily lives. Working with many Shanghai clients over the years, I have seen their personal development through this process. Though the specific outcomes are unique to each client, the process generally enables clients to shed limiting patterns, become emotionally healthy and more freely strive for their life’s purpose.

You can learn more about the theory and technique from my recent blog post “Understanding the Family Tree” but the clients themselves can best express what they’ve experienced.

As Andreas K. shares, awareness is a continual process that helps us to release our limitations: “Bibiana helped me to become aware of my emotions, to understand the sources of my frustration and my sadness, and I learned to differentiate what my inner being wants and what my ego wants. This helped me to release a ton of prejudice and harmful ideas that had me trapped in a mold.” After working together, clients such as Andreas take away a new outlook on life: “I learned to accept reality and take responsibility for it. I am what I think. I live the reality I want and I am directly responsible for my happiness.”

A crisis often motivates a client to seek help from me, as was the case with Lucia G.: “I was drowning in the pain; the world fell apart and simple and routine tasks looked heavy to me and became almost impossible.” My goal is not simply to get clients through the crisis, but to help them build tools that will last a lifetime: “Thanks to what I learned I am more aware and able to identify the catastrophic emotions that overwhelmed me and didn’t let me achieve anything. My priorities have changed unexpectedly and I am a person free to make decisions and live my life without the burden of trying to fit into ideals of success determined by family history or environment.” Often, clients experience unexpected benefits and personal growth, “The most pleasant surprise of the process with Bibiana has been connecting with my spiritual being – something that would never have predicted when I met her and for which I am grateful.”

Many clients are not aware of their role in the issues they face before we begin working together, as Jean shares: “Before I met Bibiana I was convinced my life was ok and the reason why I repeatedly seemed to have the same experiences at work, in relationships, and with my family or friends was simply because that’s how life is.” The discovery process leads to an unburdening: “The emotional part started after the sessions with Bibiana, while I was working on my homework, just me, myself and I. Some discoveries hurt and surely will for a long time, but have been a relief as time went by and lightened up other parts of my life.” My role as an awareness consultant is to guide clients to develop tools they can use throughout life: “Due to the sessions with Bibiana I did find the missing piece. The good thing about it is, I don’t have to put a lot of effort in it, now where I know and have understood the important things, it becomes kind of self-dynamic. When I face a problem, I just need to remember what Bibiana taught me and the answer to what it is all about comes to me.”

If you are struggling with adjustment to Shanghai, life satisfaction, work problems, relationship issues or just feel you could benefit from personal growth, you could benefit from the family tree process, as did Tatiana: “I did not understand that I needed a change or to change myself in order to modify my life, because I did not know where or how I could start. Bibiana helped me so much with my relationships and with myself. We started working on me and now I enjoy what I’m doing. This therapy is helping me to be a better person; I’m positive in all situations. I loved the therapy and nowadays I truly enjoy the activities that we are doing to improve my life.”

Bibiana offers individual and couples therapy using a variety of holistic techniques (such as clinical psychology, psycho genealogy (family tree), chakras harmonization, and energy healing) at our various Shanghai locations. Contact Body & Soul to set up a consultation with Bibiana.

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Medical Clinics

Body & Soul is your solution for wellness in Shanghai, with over 13 years successfully treating patients with a holistic blend of TCM and Western therapies. We also offer Shanghai’s largest team of multi-disciplinary pain management and rehabilitation experts.