
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

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BRUXISM, HEADACHE & CERVICAL PAIN: Discovering the Hidden Connections

BRUXISM, HEADACHE & CERVICAL PAIN: Discovering the Hidden Connections

Can headaches be caused by the temporomandibular joint and cervical spine?

Approximately 30% of global adult headaches are a result of cervical tension, stress, and temporomandibular joint (TMJ) imbalance. This challenges the common misconception that the location of pain indicates the true source of the problem. TMJ, which is often associated with bruxism and affects 8% of the population, is intertwined with headaches due to functional disturbances that lead to involuntary teeth grinding.

Another factor to consider is cervical pain, which is often stress-related and caused by factors such as excessive workload and repetitive muscle use, resulting in cervicalgia. This is related to headaches and bruxism.

What is the role of osteopathy?

Recognizing these interconnected issues is crucial for effective diagnosis. It is important to consider the patient’s history, perform physical exams, and provide appropriate treatment. Osteopathy plays a vital role in addressing the underlying causes and offers a holistic approach to treating these dysfunctions. The treatment plan includes total body adjustment, manual therapy, intraoral treatment (targeting the temporomandibular joint), cranial bones, cervico-scapular region, pelvis, and other relevant areas.

7 key points for headache-bruxism-cervical pain dysfunction

  1. Osteopathy treatment
  2. Multidisciplinary therapy
  3. Emphasize regular physical activity to manage stress through endorphin stimulation, aiding in pain intervention and reduction.
  4. Apply warmth to both sides of the face using a hot, twisted towel to relax tense jaw muscles.
  5. Avoid daily habits like chewing gum, nail-biting, or pen-biting.
  6. Practice abdominal-diaphragmatic breathing for overall relaxation.
  7. Specific home exercises to enhance mouth and neck mobility, along with stretches.

There’s always a way to improve quality of life

In summary, recognizing the connection between bruxism, headaches, and cervical pain is crucial. Osteopathy offers a holistic approach to address these issues. To manage symptoms effectively, consider incorporating regular physical activity, relaxation techniques, and a multidisciplinary treatment including osteopathy.

Through awareness, education, proactive care, and osteopathy, we can empower individuals to live healthier lives!

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