
Body & Soul – Medical Clinics offer a holistic approach to health by combining Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) with western medicine in a unique way that speeds the wellness of our patients.

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225

Anji Plaza 14th floor, Rood 05, 760 South Xizang Road

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Downtown -Anji Plaza,

Room 05, 760 South Xizang Road

(+86 21) 6345 5101 * 223/ 225


Minhang -Zhidi Plaza,

211 Cheng Jia Qiao Zhi Road

(+86 21) 6461 6550 * 0/ 219


Author: Sara Laudani

Are All Carbs Bad? Understanding Carbohydrates and Your Health

Changing Diets Starting from our hunter-gatherer roots, carbohydrates have been our main source of food. To thrive, we developed ways to transfer the food available in nature into something edible and easily available for large numbers of people. Therefore, the types of food consumed today look drastically different than those of our ancestors. Today, wheat is the most consumed cereal in the world. In the U.S., each person consumes an average of...